Aalborg University

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*[[Frank Aaen]] Danish politician


*[[Frank Aaen]] Danish politician


*[[Henrik Schärfe]] Danish professor


*[[Henrik Schärfe]] Danish professor

* Jakob Stoustrup, Danish politician


* Jakob Stoustrup, Danish professor


* Jørgen Goul Andersen, Danish professor


* Jørgen Goul Andersen, Danish professor


* Jörgen Weibull, Swedish born [[historian]]


* Jörgen Weibull, Swedish born [[historian]]

Latest revision as of 16:41, 6 May 2012

Aalborg University (AAU)
Aalborg Universitet (AAU)
Motto Viis Novis
Established 1974
Type Public university
Rector Finn Kjærsdam
Admin. staff 3,000 (2011)
Students 17.731 (2011)
Doctoral students 575 (2011)
Location Aalborg, Esbjerg, Copenhagen, Denmark Denmark
Campus Aalborg
Affiliations ECIU and ENTREE
Website www.aau.dk

Coordinates: 57°00′54″N 9°59′06″E / 57.015000°N 9.985000°E / 57.015000; 9.985000

Aalborg University is a Danish university located mainly in Aalborg, Denmark but also have departments in Esbjerg and Copenhagen. Aalborg University (AAU) was established in 1974 and was called Aalborg University Center (AUC) until 1994. When Aalborg University opening in 1974 it became the fifth university in Denmark. Today Aalborg University is the fifth largest university in Denmark measured on the number of enrolled students. In Aalborg the university is mainly located on the main campus in the eastern part of the city but the university also have departments located in downtown Aalborg.[1] Aalborg University currently has approximately 17700 students and approximately 3000 employees.[2]


[edit] History

Aalborg University (AAU) began as Aalborg University Center (AUC) in 1974 as a result of a series of mergers between a numbers of institutions which made it possible to create a single university with several faculties. When the university center was established in 1974 it had a Humanities Faculty, a Social Science Faculty and a Technical-Natural Science Faculty. In 1994 Aalborg University Center (AUC) changed name to Aalborg University (AAU). In 1994 Aalborg University got another faculty which was a Health Sciences Faculty. Although Aalborg University is a young university in Denmark with its 40 years of history the university still has some even greater roots such as the surveyor program which is the oldest education at Aalborg University and was original created in 1768. The surveying program actually still exists at Aalborg University and is offered both in Aalborg and at the university's department in Copenhagen. Aalborg University's roots can be traced to among other things a number of older institutions, which now are part of the university such as The Business School Department in Aalborg, founded in 1920, National Building Research Institute established in 1947, Esbjerg Engineering College established in 1963, The School of Social Work in Aalborg, founded in 1966, The National Engineering Academy established in 1967 and Copenhagen Business School Aalborg Department established in 1969. Since Aalborg University was established in 1974 the university has been characterized by a problem-based and project-oriented teaching method. In 1995 Aalborg University opened a Esbjerg department by merging with Esbjerg Engineering College. In 1996 Aalborg University created the School of Architecture & Design. In 2003 Aalborg University opened a Copenhagen department. In 2006 Aalborg University created the School of Medicine.[3]

[edit] Profile

Aalborg University differentiates itself from the older and more traditional Danish universities with its focus on interdisciplinary, inter-faculty studies; an experimental curriculum based on an interdisciplinary basic course with subsequent specialization; a pedagogical structure based on problem-centred, real-life projects of educational and research relevance - which internationally has become known and recognized as The Aalborg Experiment or The Aalborg Model. With the problem-based, project-organized model, a great part of a semesters teaching and student work revolves around complex real-life problems which the students wonder about and try to find answers to in scientific manners while working together in groups.[4]

[edit] Administration and organization

The university is governed by a board consisting of 11 members: 6 members recruited outside the university form the majority of the board, 2 members are appointed by the scientific staff, 1 member is appointed by the administrative staff, and 2 members are appointed by the university students. The Rector is appointed by the university board. The rector in turn appoints deans and deans appoint heads of departments. There is no faculty senate and faculty is not involved in the appointment of rector, deans, or department heads. Hence the university has no faculty governance.[5]

[edit] Faculties and departments

Aalborg University has five faculties with a number of institutes, centers and study boards in these faculties. Since 1 January 2007, Aalborg University has been divided into the following faculties;[6]

[edit] Library

Aalborg University Library is a public research library for the North Jutland region. The library's primary mission is to support research and education at Aalborg University by providing appropriate information and documentation. The University Library is geographically located at Langagervej 2 in Aalborg, which is linked to smaller branches located on other campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg and Copenhagen.[25]

[edit] Other campuses outside Aalborg

  • Aalborg University - Esbjerg is the name of the Esbjerg department of Aalborg University. Aalborg University - Esbjerg offers bachelor programs and master programs. However these are mainly in engineering sciences. Aalborg University - Esbjerg is located at Niels Bohr's Road 8 (Danish: Niels Bohrs Vej 8) just opposite a department of University of Southern Denmark.
  • Aalborg University - Copenhagen is the name of Aalborg University Copenhagen department. Aalborg University - Copenhagen offers seven bachelor programs and fifteen master programs. Aalborg University - Copenhagen is located at Lautrupvang 4A in Ballerup and shares the campus with the Engineering College of Copenhagen. This department will be moved to the south harbour in Copenhagen where Nokia currently have their Danish headquarters in September 2012.[26]

[edit] Special action areas and cross-disciplinary research

AAU conducts research within all faculties. The strongest area of research is in the field of engineering, and the University has selected health science technology and wireless communication as special action areas.

AAU has conducted several experiments in the field of CubeSat technology. The AAU CubeSat was launched on June 30, 2003.

AAU has always adopted a cross-disciplinary approach to research, as this, just like the tuition, is problem-based. This often requires contributions from a number of scientific disciplines, when a current problem is to be solved. Aalborg University has five cross-disciplinary action areas:

  • Sustainable energy, the environment and construction.
  • Global production, innovation, knowledge development and coherence.
  • Information technology.
  • Nanotechnology and nanoproduction.
  • Experience technology and design.

[edit] International relations

Since its regional start in 1974, AAU has turned its focus towards an international orientation, making it a local university with an international outlook. AAU focuses on international collaboration in research and has, among other things, established a department for wireless communication and satellite navigation at University of Rome Tor Vergata, and Kolkata University in India and two centres for telecommunications, one at Birla Institute of Technology in India and one at Bandung Institute of Technology in Indonesia.

25% of University's researchers come from abroad, and over the years the number of international students has steadily increased, making up today 10% of the total student population.

A recognition paid to the Aalborg University was the foundation of the UICEE Centre for Problem Based Learning (UCPBL) in 2001, which has subsequently led to the appointment of AAU as Unesco Chair in the problem-based learning.

[edit] University particularity

Aalborg University is known for its project-oriented education system. A large part of education in Aalborg University is based on teaching students to learn on their own and in group projects. This approach has yielded results similar to those of other Danish universities with less hours of theoretical teaching. This method of group-based, project-oriented learning is applied across all subject areas (from computer science to sociology) and begins at the first year of university. Local high schools in Aalborg also prepare their students for this way of learning.

Aalborg University; Fibigerstraede

[edit] Cooperative agreements with other universities and colleges

  • Aalborg University is a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (European Consortium of Innovative Universities - ECIU), which was founded in 1997 by 10 European universities. The goal was to create a European network, where the participating universities could exchange experiences and practices in projects in education, research and regional development. In 2010 ECIU consisted of eleven members and three foreign affiliates.[31]

[edit] Student organizations at Aalborg University

The following student organizations have been directly associated with Aalborg University and its students:

[edit] Notable alumni and staff

[edit] References

  1. ^ "AAU departments and campuses". http://www.tal.aau.dk/bygninger/. Retrieved 2012-02-08. 
  2. ^ "Information on the total study population". http://www.tal.aau.dk/studerende/studerende+i+alt/. Retrieved 2012-02-07. 
  3. ^ "History of Aalborg University". http://www.en.aau.dk/About+Aalborg+University/History+of+Aalborg+University/. Retrieved 2012-02-07. 
  4. ^ "The Aalborg model for problem based learning (PBL)". http://www.en.aau.dk/About+Aalborg+University/The+Aalborg+model+for+problem+based+learning+(PBL)/. Retrieved 2012-02-08. 
  5. ^ "The Board at Aalborg Universitet". http://www.en.aau.dk/AAU+Organisation+and+Management/The+Board/. Retrieved 2012-02-08. 
  6. ^ "Faculties and Departments at Aalborg University". http://www.en.aau.dk/AAU+Organisation+and+Management/Faculties+%26+Departments/. Retrieved 2012-02-08. 
  7. ^ Institut for Kommunikation - Institut for Kommunikation - Aalborg Universitet
  8. ^ a b Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier (CGS) - Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier - Aalborg Universitet
  9. ^ a b c d Forside
  10. ^ Department of Business and Management - Business Studies: Fibigerstræde 4 - Aalborg University
  11. ^ Juraens Hus: Juraens Hus
  12. ^ Institut for Statskundskab
  13. ^ Om instituttet
  14. ^ Department of Architecture Design and Media Technology
  15. ^ Forside Institut for Kemi og Bioteknologi - Aalborg Universitet
  16. ^ Department of Civil Engineering - Aalborg University
  17. ^ Institut for Datalogi: Velkommen
  18. ^ Department of Electronic Systems
  19. ^ Department of Energy Technology - Department of Energy Technology - Aalborg University
  20. ^ www.math.aau.dk: Institut
  21. ^ Home - Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (M-Tech) - Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering - Aalborg University
  22. ^ Institut for Fysik og Nanoteknologi -Nanofysik og Nanobioteknologi - Aalborg Universitet
  23. ^ Institut for Planlægning - Institut for Planlægning - Aalborg Universitet
  24. ^ [1]
  25. ^ "Aalborg University Library". http://www.en.aau.dk/About+Aalborg+University/Aalborg+University+Library/. Retrieved 2012-02-08. 
  26. ^ "Aalborg University - Copenhagen move in 2012". http://www.en.aau.dk/News+and+Events/News//aalborg-university-gets-the-go-ahead-from-the-danish-parliaments-finance-committee.cid58047. Retrieved 2012-02-08. 
  27. ^ http://www.iva.dk/english/aboutus/networksandcooperations/
  28. ^ http://www.iva.dk/omiva/samarbejdemedaalborguniversitet%2Cinstitutforkommunikation/
  29. ^ http://www.iva.dk/english/aboutus/networksandcooperations/
  30. ^ http://www.iva.dk/omiva/samarbejdemedaalborguniversitet%2Cdetsamfundsvidenskabeligefakultet/
  31. ^ http://eciu.web.ua.pt/page.asp?pg=7

[edit] External links

Redrose64 07 May, 2012

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Aalborg_University&diff=491015489&oldid=489845229
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