Template:FWB ISIN/doc

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== See also ==


== See also ==

* {{Tlx|FWB}} - A version of this template that only provides the ticker and a link to the security.


* {{Tlx|Frankfurt Stock Exchange}} - A version of this template that only provides the ticker and a link to the security.


* {{Tlx|FWB2}} - A version of this template that does not autocatagorize to {{cat|Companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange}}.


* {{Tlx|FWB2}} - A version of this template that does not autocatagorize to {{cat|Companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange}}.


* {{Tlx|FWB link}} - A version of this template that only provides the ticker and a link to the security website.


* {{Tlx|FWB link}} - A version of this template that only provides the ticker and a link to the security website.

Latest revision as of 17:21, 6 May 2012


This template allows displaying a link to the official quote available on Deutsche Börse web site for a given security.

[edit] Parameters

   {{FWB ISIN|ISIN|Symbol}}   

[edit] Usage example

Code to display stock symbol reference for Allianz SE FWBALV

   {{FWB ISIN|DE0008404005|ALV}}   

[edit] See also 07 May, 2012

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:FWB_ISIN/doc&diff=491022435&oldid=491019904
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