Egypt's Islamist president-elect to be sworn in

CAIRO (AP) – Islamist Mohammed Morsi is to be sworn by the country's highest court as Egypt's first freely elected president, succeeding Hosni Mubarak who was ousted last year.

  • Egyptian President-elect Mohammed Morsi speaks to supporters at Tahrir Square in Cairo on Friday.

    By Mohammed Abd El-Maaty, AP

    Egyptian President-elect Mohammed Morsi speaks to supporters at Tahrir Square in Cairo on Friday.

By Mohammed Abd El-Maaty, AP

Egyptian President-elect Mohammed Morsi speaks to supporters at Tahrir Square in Cairo on Friday.

When he takes the oath of office Saturday before the Supreme Constitutional Court, Morsi will also be the Arab world's first freely elected Islamist leader and become Egypt's fifth president since the overthrow of the monarchy some 60 years ago.

The court, housed in a Nile-side structure built to resemble an ancient Egyptian temple, stands next door to a military hospital to which Mubarak, 84, was transferred about two weeks ago after suffering a health scare in a nearby prison hospital.

Morsi took a symbolic oath on Friday in Cairo's Tahrir Square, birthplace of last year's uprising, before tens of thousands of Islamists supporters.

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