Annual N.Y. hot dog eating contest kicks off

NEW YORK (AP) – Coney Island is preparing for some major-league eating.

By Kathy Willens, AP

Sonya Thomas challenges Joey Chestnut during Tuesday's weigh-in for contestants in a Fourth of July hot-dog eating contest in New York.

Two reigning champion chowers and their challengers are gathering for New York's annual July Fourth hot dog eating contest in Brooklyn.

Joey Chestnut is vying for his sixth straight victory. He holds the record of 68 hot dogs and buns in the 10-minute showdown.

Chestnut hails from San Jose, Calif. He says he couldn't care less about breaking his record, he just wants to win.

Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas, of Alexandria, Va., says she wants to beat her own record of 41 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes. She's aiming for 45 in the women's competition.

The winners get $10,000.

The Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest has been a city tradition for 97 years.

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