GOP: Romney's overseas trip showed his mettle

Mitt Romney's three-nation foreign tour was overshadowed by a series of missteps, but Republicans on Tuesday, called the trip a win for the GOP standard-bearer.

By Charles Dharapak, AP

Mitt Romney speaks in Warsaw on Tuesday.

The campaign declared the trip a success, and began planning the countdown to the convention.

Ari Fleischer, former spokesman for President George W. Bush, said the Israel leg of the trip showed there is "something to be said for politicians who speak bluntly and speak the truth."

Romney created a stir Sunday by stating that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel — a contentious topic in the Middle East.

On Monday, he enraged Palestinian leaders by suggesting that Israeli culture explains the difference between its vital economy and that of the Palestinian territories.

Fleischer said the remarks give Romney a "huge opening" to go to Florida and give a substantive speech that "frames and explains his cultural statement." The Republican convention runs from Aug. 27 to Aug. 30 in Tampa.

Before Romney made land back in the States, the campaign was already returning to domestic concerns.

National Review Online reported that a "major policy address" on the economy may be in the works with the candidate "more likely to roll out his polished stump speech via a swing-state bus tour."

A Romney aide confirmed to USA TODAY the campaign is planning a pre-convention bus tour.

The campaign also released a mobile app that it will use to alert followers when Romney names his running mate, renewing chatter over when he will unveil his choice.

Contributing: Catalina Camia

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