Parties clash over repeal of Obama health law

Republicans are redoubling their vow to repeal President Obama's health care law, while Democrats point out the legislative hurdles of such a task.

"The American people will have the final decision," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., today on Fox News Sunday, less than a week after the Supreme Court upheld the health care law.

House Republicans have set a repeal vote for July 9, but House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Cal., noted that it won't mean much because Democrats still control the Senate.

Speaking on NBC's Meet The Press, the California Democrat said the GOP wants to reverse a law that will help millions with "lower rates, better quality care and better access" to health care.

"So that's what they want to repeal," Pelosi said. "we're happy to have that debate."

Even after the November elections, Republicans would need a filibuster-proof Senate -- at least 60 of the 100 seats -- to make major changes to the health care law.

McConnell said the law will be more expensive and more cumbersome than expected, and people will demand changes. He called the existing law "the single worst piece of legislation passed in modern times."

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew, also on Fox, said now that the Supreme Court has ruled, "we should get in implementation" of the health care law, and turn the government's focus toward creating jobs.

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