Cincinatti Insurance Co., IDentity Theft 911 to Offer Data Breach Services to Insureds

IDentity Theft 911, an identity management and data risk management service company, is partnering with The Cincinnati Insurance Company to bring data risk solutions to Cincinnati’s commercial insurance clients.

Cincinnati Insurance offers an optional endorsement providing coverage to reimburse businesses for breach-related expenses. In addition, policyholders will receive IDentity Theft 911’s data risk management services. The IDentity Theft 911 service provides proactive and reactive data breach services to policyholders. Policyholders who select this coverage can get help from IDentity Theft 911’s team of breach consulting experts. They have 24/7 access to a breach preparedness website, and when a breach takes place, IDentity Theft 911 acts to help them avert a crisis.

IDentity Theft 911 experts assess the severity and damage of the breach, advise on regulatory and consumer notification and create action plans for responding quickly and efficiently. They also draft a customer notification letter and, for larger breaches, help design and implement a password-protected website to communicate with those who are affected. Services include computer forensics analysis, incident damage reviews and digital evidence preservation.

In the event of a data breach, businesses insured by Cincinnati can access IDentity Theft 911’s LifeStages Identity Management services to provide high-touch identity resolution assistance to their customers or other victims. The fraud specialists work one on one with victims and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week until resolution is complete. Fraud specialists cover a range of issues, from proactive measures to take throughout a person’s life to true identity theft and account takeovers.

Business owners interested in this coverage may contact a local, independent agent representing Cincinnati.

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