TAMPA -- President Obama's campaign is seeking to counter-program Mitt Romney's acceptance speech tonight, including release of a video saying the Republican nominee is trying to "Etch-A-Sketch" away his problems.
"But some things you just can't shake," says the video, "like his business record, his Massachusetts Record, his offshore funds and what the Romney-Ryan budget does to Medicare."
Obama campaign officials and other Democrats will also hold news conference and make themselves available in the run-up to Romney's speech tonight to the Republican convention in Tampa.
Romney is expected to promote his business experience, while saying that Obama's stewardship of the economy has produced a weak recovery.
The Obama video plays off a Romney aide's comment that the Republican will "re-set" his campaign this fall, comparing the process to an Etch-A-Sketch.
Said the campaign in a statement:
By hiring Hollywood producers and Madison Avenue mad men, Governor Romney's campaign promised a convention reinvention: "like an etch-a-sketch. You can kind of shake it all up and we start over again."
But after a convention focused solely on tearing down the President through insults and ideology -- with no substance or new information presented to voters so far -- Governor Romney's record has proved unshakable.