SLIDELL, La]--A fight is brewing in Louisiana but it has been put on hold because of the other storm brewing; Isaac. As the locals hunker down and hope for the best, one resident has another fight to tackle.
Teacher Robert Duncan of Slidell was fired on August six from his 13-year positon at Boyet Junior High after he hung cartoons his students drew as an assignment on politics, outside their classroom in January.
Sounds baffling right? I'm sure you're thinking; why fire a teacher for encouraging 11 and 12 year old's interest in art as well as politics, when he should be given an award.
Well these cartoons were no ordinary drawings and one parent who found them highly disturbing, snapped a pic and sent it to a local television station. That was when all hell broke loose and teacher Duncan was promptly put on administrative leave, then the "president's men" came to town.
Two of the Middle School students were reportedly paid a visit by the Secret Service for the violence depicted in some of their artwork. The S.S. went to investigate if there was any threat to the President lurking in those households.
The cartoons of president Obama showed him with what appeared to be a bullet hole in his temple. Another one had the inscription "hunting season" emblazoned on the bottom and a man with a rifle while Romney sat in the forefront. Then there was one with the president looking quite "monkeyish" with huge, exaggerated features.
(Click on the video above to see and hear more).
Now teacher Duncan is fighting back, claiming he was wrongfully terminated and deserves to have his job back and fellow teachers at Slidell support him.
Superintendent Trey Folse reportedly said Duncan's firing was justifed for he was "dishonest" and made a "bad, incompetent decision" to display those cartoons outside his classroom.
The "dishonest" accusation stem from Duncan's explanation of the drawing with the bullet hole in the President's head, which he said wasn't there when he hung the art but reports say that wasn't true. The student who drew the picture gave a different reason for the "bullet hole" saying it was a marker that leaked unto her paper when she was drawing. Two very different stories. Hmmm.
Meanwhile, many are calling the cartoons racist and violent but his colleagues at Slidell do not see it that way. In fact, Mark Selzer, the social studies teacher thinks it is a good thing and highly recommends these types of assigments, saying on CNN, "I saw political points of view being expressed, whether pro-Obama or anti-Obama and that's what the lesson was designed to do."
Duncan and his lawywers are forging ahead with their fight to get his job back but that fight will have to wait until after the storm.
Maybe while the Secret Service was out and about, they should pay that raving Texas County Judge Tom Head a visit for somewhere in that crazy babble about civil war and U.N. invasion, he did say he would have "to get rid of the guy," the guy meaning the President of the United States. That's a clear threat and if they could visit 11 year olds, then they certainly need to take a look at Judge Head. In fact, why is he still on the bench after the other blatant bias stuff he has pulled?
(Read more about the crazy rants of Texas County Judge Head here: s/12828457-texas-judge-prepares-to-join- civil-war-if-obama-is-reelected-to-get-r id-of-the-guy-video.