A spokesman for embattled Rep. Todd Akin said a joke by top GOP strategist Karl Rove is "disturbing."
Rove, who masterminded George W. Bush's presidential election, reportedly was trying to make a point to top GOP donors about Akin endangering the party's chances of winning control of the U.S. Senate.
"We should sink Todd Akin," Rove is quoted as saying in Bloomberg Businessweek. "If he's found mysteriously murdered, don't look for my whereabouts."
Mitt Romney, Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell and others have distanced themselves from Akin ever since the Missouri Senate candidate made comments about rape and abortion. Akin, a six-term House member, has said he has received death threats since suggesting that women could prevent pregnancy in cases of "legitimate rape."
"Given the current FBI investigation of threats against congressman Akin and call for acts of violence and rape against his family and staff, joking as to the potential murder of congressman Akin is deeply disturbing," Steve Taylor, an Akin aide, told KMOX-TV in St. Louis.
Rove's comments came during a briefing for top donors, held during the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Akin was urged to skip the events celebrating Romney's presidential nomination.
Rove reportedly told donors that Republicans have a good chance of winning a net gain of four seats to gain power in the Senate. Akin is described in the Bloomberg Businessweek story as posing the "biggest risk" to the GOP's chances. Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill is a top Republican target.
There are five candidates who are interested in replacing Akin on the ballot, according to Rove.
In other news on the race, the Missouri Farm Bureau is said to be reconsidering its endorsement of Akin.