Free: The Perfect Online Business For YOU

Mark your calendar! On Thursday, November 15th I'm hosting a live webinar with Paul Evans on the topic of "Starting Over" and what we would do if we were starting over in online business today.

With all the changes going on with online business, this is definitely something you'll want to show up for and listen in to live.


It's free to attend, and you can expect to walk away with usable content you can implement immediately.

The live webinar will be held on Thursday, November 15th at 3:00pm Eastern Time.

After attending this session, you will know exactly what your online business should look like. You'll also hear what Paul would do himself if he were starting over today...

What To Expect When You Attend This Live Webinar:

  • 4 steps to creating the perfect online business for you.
  • The most important question for you to ask about your business.
  • How seduction will derail you and cost you thousands.
  • The power combination for choosing a profitable niche.
  • Why 90% of all businesses fail and how to overcome that statistic.
  • How to delelop a core message for your market.
  • 3 types of customers and the one that brings you the most long-term income.
  • Why a "hungry market" is NOT what you need to look for.
    This has been taught for years and is dead wrong!
  • 35 ways to monetize your business.
  • 7 prerequisites for creating a COMPLETE and profitable business.
  • Find out exactly what Paul would do if he were starting today.
  • Discover the type of business you SHOULD be running to be most profitable.
    (There are 4 types. You may be hurting your chances of succeeding!)
  • Discover how YOU can improve OTHERS.
  • Leave with a monetization plan for your business!
  • ...and more


I'll be there with a pen taking notes myself.
I recommend you do the same. ;-)

One thing I can say with confidence about Paul Evans is that he ALWAYS delivers.

I've known him personally for more than four years now (and online for quite a bit longer) and have the greatest respect for his work and his mission. He's an amazing teacher with invaluable insights!

This is one guy you definitely want to show up for, take notes on, and ask questions to.

Don't worry about there being a lot of fluff only to be pitched at in the end. This will be solid training that you can take and apply as soon as it's over.

If You're Frustrated With Your Online Business... this will answer some of those frustrations, overwhelm and info overload you're experiencing once and for all. Yes, that's a big promise, that I have no doubt will be delivered...

Here are the details again:

Thursday, November 15th at 3:00PM (EST)
Register Here:

See you there! :D


p.s. Just in case you need an official invitation…

OFFICIAL INVITATION: Join Lynn Terry & Paul Evans on the webinar about starting over. I've heard this question about "starting over" many times. Now we're going to answer it. And it's not the answer you may think. Come join us and be prepared to have some fun. If you've ever heard Paul Evans, you know you're going to have a good time! Register Today:

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