Guest Post by Lisa Herbik
Do you love the space you work in?
Today's post by Lisa Herbik is all about decorating your work at home office using beautiful photo wall murals...
When you work at home, whether it is a part time or full time endeavor, you likely spend long hours sitting in front of your computer (raising hand here, LOL!).
You strive to make great things happen from your home office, so why not choose to make your work space look great (and feel great) as well?
One thing I discovered several years ago is that if I take a little time to create a nice atmosphere and a great space for my home office - complete with a serene photo wall mural - it really helps with productivity, keeps me calm, and even brightens my outlook!
The computer industry highly backs up my "discovery" by the way...
Why do you think there so many beautiful and uplifting nature images readily installed on your new laptop or pc and available as screensavers?
If you have a blank wall in your home office, or if your wall space is being used in a less than productive way, say with a cluttered up cork board or shelves spilling over with "stuff" (eek!), consider de-cluttering your space and installing a beautiful nature scene mural to de-stress and delight you.
"Nature is one of the most successful sources of positive distraction. Simply viewing a mural of a water scene has been shown to alter electrical activity in the brain, reduce levels of stress hormones and ease muscle tension." - Beth Frankowski Jones, ISdesigNET Magazine
The ideal set up for a home office is one with adequate lighting and hopefully a window with a view. For many work at home business owners, we simply make the most of what we have available...
My first home office was in a small corner of my poorly lit guest bedroom. I shoved the computer desk between the foot of the bed and the wall. The space was not only cramped, I had nothing to look at but the blank wall directly in front of me. Not the ideal space for logging in long hours.
Taking the time to make your office space comfortable and visually appealing takes just a little effort, but the benefits help your psyche, mood and spirit, and hence your business as well.
If you don't have that office room with a view, the great thing is you can easily create one with a wall mural!
The stress-reducing benefits of gazing at soothing wall mural images are well known in the health care industries. Just look to many well-appointed pediatric and dental offices (both highly stressful places) and you will likely find murals on the walls, both in the waiting rooms and the examination rooms.
If a nature mural doesn't quite appeal to you, why not create your own completely customized mural from one of your digital photos? Surely you have a favorite image from that once in a lifetime trip, or family photo that just warms your heart. Revisit the memories and good feelings every day as you gaze at your design.
Make your home office as inviting and personal as it can be...
Photo wall murals can help you create just the look you want. When your room looks great, you feel great, and that's good for business!
Find 1000s of wall murals online or create your very own custom murals from your digital photos at