Google Penalty Evaluation and Recovery

Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde just released a brand new FREE guide on Google Penalty & Recovery.

The title "PERP" stands for Penalty Evaluation & Recovery Program.

Click Here To Download

Dan and Leslie are both highly respected SEO experts. This new guide is a must-have free download that explains what has changed and why, along with a step-by-step procedure for fixing various SEO problems related to the recent updates.

Here's a peek at the table of contents:

Not only do they explain what has changed with Google and why, but they also provide a step-by-step procedure for fixing the different classes of problems you may be experiencing with your site(s).

Then, to help you stay out of trouble in the future, they end the book with marketing methods that are safe and effective at increasing rank now - and into the future.

This 92 page document is completely free (an email optin is required) and there are NO promotional links inside. It's pure up-to-date content on current SEO issues and site recovery processes.

Click Here To Download Your Free Copy


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