Guest Post by Jonathan
Hey there ClickNewz fans, My name is Jonathan and I am a professional App reviewer. Is that even a job, you ask?
That depends on what you consider to be a job. I'm addicted to Apps, so I use them and write about it – what more could I ask for?
I wish to share some really useful information for App developers, but you could use that information even if you have always dreamed about developing that first App of yours.
Ranking your App in the App store's top paid or free Apps is just as desirable as having your website in the first Google results page. However, since you're wise and know that the competition is tough, you can assume it's not a walk in the park...
Since you likely spent (or will spend) a good amount of time and/or money developing your App, you probably plan to get rich with it.
Did you know only about 5% of developed Apps have made their owners rich?
There are 4 basic options for monetizing Mobile Apps
a. App's fixed price (0.99$ usually).
b. In-App paid upgrades (new weapons for example).
c. In-App ads (the most common option).
d. Co-operations and forming an online community.
But none of these options can earn you one penny unless your App is outranking similar ones, because App users such as myself are usually lazy enough not to scroll through more than the first Top 25 in the App store.
What does it take, you ask?
The top ranked Mobile Apps in the App store grab about 80% of the mobile users, but they earned it, and this is how:
- A free App will need approximately 40 thousands unique daily downloads if it wants to climb to the top list.
- Top paid Apps lists, on the other hand, will evolve around 4 thousand daily downloads to get included.
- If you're App is a specific category-oriented, you're life could be even easier. A game App requires your free game to be downloaded 26,000 in one day, and your paid game – 3,000.
- Which category requires the least amount of daily downloads to get into the top Apps? If you guessed photography Apps – you are correct! You will only need 300 daily downloads to get a paid app of the photography niche to the top lists.
Mobile App Marketing Strategies
Mobile App marketing is divided into two basic concepts...
First one would be paid organic promotion, which will require you to hire a Mobile App marketing agency to perform in-app advertisement campaigns for you.
It basically means that your App's ad will show within free Apps that have this as a business model; the user download the free Apps, under one condition of getting exposed to advertisements.
Personally, I'm against the in-App ads method as it's annoying, and usually the free Apps don’t last long on the back of my iPhone.
The better way is developing a social community that will eventually get engaged to use your App. Using social media to develop that community is an awesome tactic, and you must act wise on this one. Here's our quick social media tutorial to earn more App users:
Twitter Mobile App Marketing Strategies
The almighty tweeting system should be your very first stop. Own a profile carrying the application's exact title, so it will be visible for people who search it within Twitter and even Google.
Use the same design as your App's landing page or company page, so users will feel at home. Target App reviewers and big news sites and start following them, mentioning them in your tweets and re-tweets.
Facebook Mobile App Marketing Strategies
Same rules as Twitter, only here you can drop a few dimes in the Facebook piggy bank if you want a good head start.
I suggest running a full-targeted campaign and gaining your first Likes with it. Create a quick Facebook landing page that will graphically explain the users what your App is about, and what will can benefit from sticking to your page.
Create the impression that the App's page is actually a community. Be very responsive to answer your fans questions, and don't forget running weekly polls to engage them.
Google+ Mobile App Marketing Strategies
It's true that most of your future App users are using Facebook and Twitter rather than Google+, but existing in the search giant's social network is very important.
Show Google that your App is real, and furthermore – that your App's website is real by connecting all of your properties to the Google+ profile.
Join as many relevant circles as possible, and +1 your own site's content with it.
Getting your mobile application up to Apple's top lists depends not on how deep your pocket is, but how good are you at reaching a large audience.
If you create a community and get them enthusiastic about your upcoming launch, you will be in for a serious treat when it goes live.
The App development world could be cruel and un-rewarding at times, but if you do make it – you are going to make it big!
Author Bio: Jonathan is an App news reporter, covering anything that's hot in the iOS world. Writing for top social media sites such as ClickNewz is a hidden pleasure of his.