I should be on my flight to Vegas and headed to the BlogWorld event as I'm writing this...
Unfortunately, I came down with the flu. And a nasty flu it is! There's no way I can fly in this condition, and of course... I'm contagious.
If you're not attending BlogWorld either, for whatever reason, I have two things that will definitely perk your interest!
First, you can still get a Virtual Ticket to the entire event, and listen in to ALL of the sessions from home - at your leisure.
The Virtual Ticket includes online access to the conference session recording library, MP3 audio recordings, and MP4 audio and slide recordings.
This is a great way to attend the event on your own schedule, and still get access to all the top-notch sessions and content! But there's something else you'll love too...
The team at New Media Expo / BlogWorld recently launched NMX University, which is an online portal you can join for free.
Once you register, you'll get access to tons of free content - from ebooks to recorded sessions and videos from past events.
While you won't get all of the sessions from the current BlogWorld event like you do with the Virtual Event Ticket, there are some great how-to guides and topical sessions you really don't want to miss. Especially for free.
When you sign up and first log in, today's free download is a Visual eBook titled "The New Media Rat Pack: 52 Tips on Content and Community From the Top New Media Experts" which is filled with tips from 52 of the speakers presenting on topics including: blogging, branding, content marketing, social media, podcasting, and video.
Definitely join NMX University for free, and enjoy all the great content there.
And if you want the current content, from the live event that is happening in Vegas now, grab yourself a Virtual Ticket and enjoy it from home!