Let me apologize in advance. I signed up for an amazing 100 Day Challenge about ten days ago, just after the New Year.
Being sick with the flu the last couple of weeks, I didn't get a chance to start it yet - or to mention it to you.
I wanted to share this with you quickly though, because registration ends at midnight on Monday January 14th. Apologies for the last-minute notice!
I'm actually doing the orientation session tonight (Sunday), and officially starting the challenge myself on Monday. This is perfect for me, as I was so sick when the year started that I didn't get to jump in full-force on planning and goal-setting like I normally would... and I'm really ready to get back into some serious action!
What about you? Where are YOU with your goals right now? Maybe you got a slow start on the New Year (like I did), or maybe things aren't moving forward like you expected they would, or as quickly as you'd hoped...
Note: You can start the Challenge on any day you prefer, but you do have to register before midnight on Monday January 14th - or you'll have to wait a few months before they open again for new registrations!
I joined because I've been hearing great things about the 100 Day Challenge and Gary Ryan Blair. You may have read about his work in the Wall Street Journal or NY Times. The challenge is getting rave reviews and stirring up lots of talk!
There are over 51,000 registered for the current challenge already. That's a lot of people who are geared up to experience some serious results...
I don't know about you, but I want IN on that.
The 100 Day Challenge is a rock-solid blueprint for creating your breakthrough and making 2013 the best year of your life. It's an incredible (life changing) program that shows you how to create mind-blowing results.
If you want to get seriously focused and fired up, this is for you!
There's another reason I joined the challenge, too...
Not only did it come highly recommended, but I knew I really needed a "push" to get things back on a roll. I have seriously ambitious goals this year, and I don't mind to admit that I need a little more structure and motivation to get things moving in the right direction.
Planning and ideas and brainstorming all come easy. It's the implementation where most of us struggle. Myself included. Going into the New Year I knew I needed more systems and more structure - and even more self discipline.
This challenge is exactly what I needed!
You can get all the details on the 100 Day Challenge web page, but I can tell you firsthand that the members area is very well organized - with TONS of cool stuff, including software and mobile apps:
There's lots of neat downloads, blueprints, goal setting forms, motivational videos, and even an active discussion forum. And of course a focused lesson for every single day of the challenge to keep you on track.
I'm excited. I'm planning to dive in and give this my ALL for the next 100 days. Once I get through the orientation and Action Plan, I'll know exactly what my specific goal will be for the Challenge. And I look forward to achieving that goal!
Get All The Challenge Details Here: 100 Day Challenge
“Every act of boldness accelerates the pace with which you enjoy success.” - GRB
p.s. In case you missed it above, be sure to watch this quick video:
Register today if you're up for the challenge! Registration closes on Monday, January 14th at midnight (I'm not sure which time zone)... and it won't reopen again for a few months. So now is the time.