260 Days Remaining Until the End of the Year

Today, April 15th, is the 105th day of the 2013 year. That means there are only 260 days left until the year is... over. We're a couple of weeks into the second quarter already. This year is whizzing by on you!

Where are you with your goals for 2013? Are you on track, ahead of schedule, or way behind in getting where you want to be in your life & business this year?

I can answer that question honestly, and say I'm way behind. After a rough first quarter, I'm pushing myself hard during this second quarter to catch up - and get ahead.

If you're like me, you have both personal goals and business goals. I've been hitting the gym almost daily, but I'm starting every day off with "money tasks" - and making sure my 24 hours are spent focusing on my TOP priorities every single day...

When you really want something to happen, you have to give it everything you've got. Period. It takes serious self-discipline to see things through to the end result - whether that's a health goal, a financial goal, a business goal, or any other.

Yes, life happens, distractions get to all of us. Some of us have more challenges than others, whether they are external or internal. But the bottom line is, you're either going to make it happen or you're going to let the challenges take over. Period.

During my recent health issues and unexpected downtime, I took the necessary time to rest and heal - and then I got right back on my feet. Even when I couldn't work out at the gym (one of *my* personal goals this year) I made it a point to move as much as I physically could. As soon as I was released from bed rest I headed to the gym. At first I didn't even turn the treadmill on - I just walked in place and did stretches. It's about doing what you can, no matter how small the steps.

I did the same with business, breaking things down into micro-tasks and just making a point to do *something* every single day, no matter how small the task or how slow the progress seemed. Moving forward is going in the right direction, even if it's one step or task at a time. ;-)

Now that I'm back on my feet, and back to my usual creative-happy-productive self, I'm ready to dig in and make the rest of this year count! We have 260 days. We ALL have 260 days, just like we all have 24 hours in a day to work with.

We still have time to reach our 2013 goals!

How are you going to make the next 260 days count?

What are you willing to change or sacrifice to make it happen?

I look back over my past 16+ years in business, and the past twenty years of my life even, and I'm amazed at how far I've come and how much I've achieved. But it didn't happen "magically" and it didn't happen overnight. It was a direct result of setting specific goals, and working diligently toward reaching those goals. Period.

We're in this together. I'll be right here every single one of those remaining 260 days, working alongside you as we push toward our own personal goals.

Here's to making it happen! *cheers*


p.s. Speaking of "260" I still have an awesome special offer for hands-on help with your online business. You can currently join my Private Brainstorming Group, where I will work with you personally, and you can join us for only $260 for an entire year. Not just for 260 days, but an entire year. That works out to way less than $1/day to get personal hands-on help reaching your business & financial goals!

See the link for details, and give it some serious consideration. ;-)

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