By Letting Me Help You, You’ll Be Helping Me!

I know firsthand how challenging it can be to get an online business off the ground, and to reach your lifestyle and financial goals.

Yet, you see other people making money online (easily?) every single day.

What's the difference between them and you?

Not much, actually.

I learned so much of this the hard way myself, having started online back in the 90's before there were guides and tutorials and conferences and such...

I recently asked my private mastermind group, and my friends on Facebook, what frustrated them most about their online business. I could relate to almost every single response, having been there myself at one point or another.

You're about to discover SIMPLE solutions to some of the biggest challenges you're dealing with in your online business - and experience a serious breakthrough in productivity!

I decided to sit down and create a solution that will make a real difference...

The result is a 25 Page Report that will give you actionable advice and specific resources to help you overcome the top 20 most common challenges we all face in running an online business.

I intentionally kept each topic short and to the point, cutting out pages and pages of wording, to make sure you could easily grab what you need most - and RUN with it. ;-)

Note: This report was taken off the market shortly after it was released, and is only available now for a very limited time.

Here is a detailed outline so you know exactly what to expect:

1. The BIG Difference Between “Online Business” and "Making Money Online"
2. Your Starting Point: How To Set Up A Successful Online Business
3. Lack of Direction: “I'm Not Sure Where To Start or What To Do!”
4. Learning vs Earning: Striking The Balance For Growth & Profit
5. Mindset, Mood & Attitude (The UNlearning Process)
6. From Lack of Follow-Through... To Breakthrough
7. “I'm A Perfectionist, And It's Holding Me Back!”
8. Time Management: Making The Most Of Your 24 Hours
9. Productivity: Being Productive vs Being Busy
10. Organization In A World Of Chaos
11. “I'm Completely Overwhelmed!”
12. I Have Way More Ideas than Time...
13. Lack of Technical Skills or Knowledge
14. “My Business Is Not Growing Fast Enough!”
15. Keeping The Content Flowing
16. Monetizing Your Site or Blog
17. Improving Your Conversion Rate
18. Creating Passive Income Sources
19. Increasing Your Web Traffic
20. Finding & Engaging Your Target Market
- Additional Online Marketing Tips & Tutorials

One single tip or idea you take away from this report
can make a dramatic difference in your business!

As I mentioned, this report was pulled off the market shortly after it was released, and was only available to members of my private brainstorming group. But you now have one last opportunity to grab a copy for HALF price, along with a very handy bonus that will pay for itself over and over. ;-)

Limited Time Half Price Deal + Handy Bonus!

This valuable, content-packed report was originally offered for only $14.95. A steal really, considering how much I poured into it, and what you can get out of it. It was only available for a short time, then made as an exclusive bonus to my members.

I recently received even more positive feedback from a few readers that really enjoyed the report, and let me know exactly how it helped them in their own business, which made me want to put this report in the hands of even more people that could really use "the right information" to get ahead.

By letting me help you, you'll be helping me at the same time! :D

I'm currently in a bind. For the first time in (many!) years, I'm feeling some serious financial pressure. As many of you know I recently had a major surgery, which kept me from being able to actively work for almost two months.

The surgery itself was quite expensive, so I have a growing stack of medical bills on top of the thousands I paid upfront. AND... it's tax time.

I'm more in a time crunch than a financial crunch. I have plenty of options for making quick money online. Unfortunately many of those take time, which I don't have at the moment, and a few of those - well, I'm just not comfortable with.

I've had some advertising options for example, for things I don't necessarily want to endorse. Meaning, I refuse to be a sell-out for the sake of easy income.

How did I get in this position after so many successful years?

Easy: bad stuff happens, even to good people. I was seriously ill for the better part of last year, leading up to my surgery in February. I was in worse shape than I ever let on, which is why I missed several events and was hardly able to travel.

Just prior to being diagnosed, I was brutally hacked, which cost me tens of thousands in lost income - and almost $10,000 in recovery. :shock: Between my medical bills, Mylah's medical bills, the dramatic cost of the hacking experience, and my daughter starting college classes early - then being out of work almost the entire first quarter of this year... well, like I said, it all caught up with me and I'm now in a crunch.

The bottom line is that way more money went out over the last 6-9 months than I could have ever anticipated. You know the saying "when it rains it pours" - well, life decided to flood me out, lol. It just all happened at once.

"But Wait, Don't You Make Great Money As A Super Affiliate?!"

Yes, I do. I make a very good living at what I do online. This isn't a simple matter of "not actively working equals not making money" because that's not the case. And I don't want this "confession" to discourage you! But the fact is that getting hit with well over $50,000 in unexpected & immediate expenses - while you're down for an extended period of time - would be a stretch for ANYone. Simple as that.

The up side? I learned some valuable life lessons in the process, and it forced me to make significant changes in my life and business. All of which I am in the process of now. I've been through crazy life experiences before, some of which I've shared with you from my past, and I know that these "turning points" always end up as a positive - in hindsight. They're no fun in the moment, though. ;-)

I'll recover like I always do, but it will obviously take me a bit of time. Meanwhile, I thought I would do us BOTH a huge favor and create a super special offer on one of my most helpful products.

Not only am I going to let you download it for half price - which is only $7.47! - but I am also throwing in my handy dandy Domain Name guide just to sweeten the pot. :D

The bonus guide alone will pay for itself over and over by helping you brainstorm and select domain names that can make you really stand out in your niche!

Here's the deal: only $7.47 for both guides. No catch, no opt-in, no backend marketing, just one click and straight to the download page:


The information you'll get from these two guides will prove VERY helpful as you continue in your online business. These are the very things I use and do myself, and use to help others succeed in their online business every day as well.

Simply put: You're going to love it!! ;-)

Thank you in advance. You're contribution will help keep ClickNewz going, and allow me the time to bring you even more free tutorials and helpful new posts - without selling out to the highest bidder. :P

Consider it a highly appreciated contribution to the "tip jar" with a very nice bonus - when you read and apply what you learn in these two valuable guides.


p.s. Both reports are free to members of my Private Brainstorming Group. If you're a member, you can download your copies there. If you're not yet a member, and you need hands-on help with your online business, I would love for you to join us!

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