The 100 Day Challenge is going to open up again for the third quarter. If you missed getting in on this before, now is your chance.
(Registration will be open July 1st through July 10th only.)
At the very least, get on the notification list and download the free report. That alone will provide you with serious fuel to kick off the third quarter!
You will learn tons in the video series leading up to the Challenge as well. The topics covered in each of the short videos will inspire and motivate you, and get you EXCITED about what you can achieve in the second half of this year...
We Are Halfway Through The Year Already...
I don't know where you are with your business or your personal goals for the year, but I will admit that I am not at all where I had hoped to be by now. We're halfway through the year already yes, but I'm ready to kick things into HIGH gear!
I originally participated in the 100 Day Challenge at the beginning of the year, somewhere between having the flu and unexpected surgery. Talk about getting sidetracked and ultimately derailed, lol! Still, I picked up some valuable tips from the challenge, things I could apply easily and immediately, and those things really stuck with me.
Here's a quick excerpt from the report you'll download when you get on the notification list, that I wanted to share with you:
The importance of how you execute the third quarter cannot be overstated. If you or your team has underperformed than you MUST do everything in your power to right the ship, refocus priorities, and commit to driving massive results.
Compelling reasons why you want a strong third quarter:
1 Fixed Deadline – The best part about a fixed, 100 day deadline is the clarity it brings to your daily actions. Knowing that the clock is ticking is one of the best motivators for taking massive action.
2 Chance for Redemption – If you finished the first half of the year below target, then you must consider the third quarter as a now-or-never opportunity to redeem yourself and your future.
3 Set an Inspiring Example – Your performance can be seen as the sad consequence of neglect, poor character, lack of direction and ambition, or it can be an inspiring example of talent put to good use.
4 Build Momentum – Building and sustaining momentum is one of the smartest things you can do during the third quarter as it provides a powerful platform for finishing the year strong.
5 Intensify Focus – Knowing that both options and time are diminishing assets, your ability to focus on high pay-off activities becomes a priority for securing strong third quarter results.
6 Reveal Character – Your ability to drive results and achieve goals is ultimately all about character. It’s about turning a flashlight to your soul to inspect yourself for will, courage, and conviction.
I know firsthand how hard it can be to stay on track with your goals. Not only is it incredibly challenging to break old habits and create new ones, but life can really throw you some curveballs to boot.
I've certainly had my share. But I'm living proof that you CAN achieve anything you want in life, even in the worst of circumstances.
This past year hasn't been my best. Most of you have followed along as I've dealt with one thing after the other. It's nothing short of frustrating when you're right in the thick of it, as I'm sure you know from experience yourself. That said, in hindsight, I can say that some of my biggest life challenges over the years... were exactly what pushed me to succeed and/or lead me to where I am today.
But I didn't get through any of it alone. Or achieve my biggest goals without help & resources. And the 100 Day Challenge is one of those awesome resources that can really jump-start you to the next level!
By the end of this month, just days from now, 2013 will be 50% complete. How are you going to make the second half of the year really COUNT? Take some time today to analyze what you've accomplished (or not), and what you really want to MAKE happen before this year ends.
Then go download the free report and take advantage of the resources and videos that will give you a fresh dose of serious inspiration and motivation!
It's not too late to achieve ALL of your goals for the year...
p.s. There's nothing worse than being disappointed in yourself, or not achieving your goals - knowing you could have, if you'd only taken the right steps to make it happen.
Don't kick yourself later for not taking advantage of this amazing opportunity now.
The free resources will be available until July 1st, and Challenge Registration will be open until July 10th.
* I have participated in the challenge myself, and I am also an affiliate. By using my referral link you will be supporting ClickNewz and the ongoing free tutorials and resources shared here. Thank you for that!