Easy Affiliate Store Builder For WordPress

I used to build an online store by hand, meaning hand-coding products and affiliate links into HTML pages. I even customized datafeeds line by line back in the day, trying to format them just right - only to later have it all undone when the merchant made an update. :-|

I've actually abandoned a couple of my original affiliate store sites for that very reason. They were just too high maintenance the way they were done.

I was looking at DataFeedr again today, as an "affiliate store builder" option, and they've made a lot of changes. They've added so many cool features in fact, that I'm ready to give them a whirl - and get back into my affiliate store style websites...

DataFeedr works with a variety of networks and merchants, using datafeeds to import products into your WordPress-based website. I've used similar import software in the past, but all it did was import - it did not update the feeds.

This was the number one feature that appealed to me:

Affiliate Store Builder - Features

Another feature I really like is that you can work with multiple merchants, and even display price comparisons for each product, giving your visitors the best possible deal on the products they're interested in buying.

Datafeedr makes it very simple to build an online store, even for someone that has very little experience creating websites. Watch this quick video to see it in action:

Click here to learn more about DataFeedr

In a recent post I said:

"The days of building "Adsense sites" or "Amazon sites" are long gone. You need a variety of merchants and networks, and even product types, to secure your business and truly serve your market." -source: how to find affiliate programs

DataFeedr integrates 33 affiliate networks with over 11,000 merchants and more than 260,000,000 products. You can select the merchants you're approved for, and the specific merchants and products you want to promote, in your affiliate store.

* To see the networks & merchants you can work with, click here then click Tour > Networks & Merchants from the top navigation.

Note: Datafeedr DOES NOT take a percentage of your commission! While some affiliate store builder programs do (up to 25% even), Datafeedr doesn't. You pay a fair flat rate of $27/month to use the software - period.

Facebook Integration: Add an Affiliate Store to Facebook!

DataFeedr has teamted up with StoreYa.com to make it easy for you to add an affiliate store to your Facebook Page as well. See this video for details:

See firsthand how DataFeedr works by watching their extensive list of Video Tutorials, or just browse the topics even to get a basic idea.

I used to LOVE working on my product based affiliate sites, and DataFeedr looks like the ideal solution to the datafeed issue (manual updating) that frustrated me so much before. So much that I put them on the back burner for awhile. I'm excited about getting them up & running again!

As usual (isn't this always the case?!) I have five ideas for DataFeedr already. I've decided to start with one, because I want to give it my full attention - which is always ideal. And on that note, you CAN integrate your Datafeedr affiliate store into an existing blog or website. (!!) :D

Check Out The DataFeedr Affiliate Store Builder


p.s. I am an affiliate for DataFeedr, which means I earn a commission if you decide to sign up too, but I'm telling you about it because it's what I'm looking into right now and I thought you might be interested as well - especially in their newest features + Facebook integration. ;-)

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