Your Secret To Success Online

Do you ever feel like the rest of the world has gone into "vacation" or "weekend" mode... and you just feel like doing the same?

It's a rainy Friday afternoon as I write this, and a holiday week at that. Things are fairly quiet around the web, yet here I sit actively working on my priorities. Well, for part of the day at least. ;-)

I'm not in "hyper-productive mode" right now. I love it when I am in that mode, but the cold hard truth is that those creative cycles come and go. The thing is, when you have ambitious goals (and every intention of achieving those goals) you have to push forward no matter what.

Therein lies the secret to your success, with online business or with anything at all you want to achieve in life. The "secret" is quite simple actually, and I know this because it has worked for me...

The one thing we all have in common is time. We have the same 24 hours in a day, and the same 365 days in a year.

The big difference is in how we each spend our time.

I'm just like you, by the way. I have distractions, bad days and good days, and I struggle with focus and motivation sometimes too. And you and I are not alone in that. Everyone is dealing with their own set of circumstances or challenges.

It's easy to believe you have it harder for one reason or another. It's easy to rationalize why you can't reach your own goals, while other people around you are doing just that.

There's nothing so special about those people, by the way.

There's no reason you can't achieve your own goals, or have a super-successful online business like you see other people enjoying!

The "secret" is not some complicated maze you'll never be able to figure out.

The beauty of the truth behind this "secret" is... simplicity. Success is simply a matter of consistently working toward a tangible goal. Period.

Obviously you have to know what you want to achieve, and why. And you need a strong desire to see that dream or idea become your reality.

From there it's just a matter of consistently taking steps toward that goal. It's not going to happen overnight. It's a process. And that process requires your constant attention. Even if you only take one single tiny little baby step a day...

It's about always moving toward the goal.

I mentioned before I'm not in "hyper productive mode" right now. I'm actually having to force myself to stay on task, and to stay focused on my goals.

Every time I get distracted I simply reel myself back in and remind myself WHY.

That's not to say that I don't schedule in plenty of downtime (and lots of fun!) but that I am consistently moving forward every single day, whether I feel like it or not. And by "moving forward" I mean this: working on very specific hand-picked tasks that take me closer to my end goal.

This morning I was reading Where Secrets Live on the ETR blog. Lately I've been reading a lot of inspiring blogs and motivating stories. Mainly because I'm not particularly inspired or motivated myself. And that one was a good pick!

I highly recommend you click through and read it yourself. It illustrates a beautiful point about the simplicity of success, one that really resonated with me - and I hope it will with you too.

Your secret to success with an online business, or with anything you want out of life, is commitment and dedication. And not just in thought (or in "want") but in action.

I wake up every day and ask myself: What can I do today that will take me closer to my goals? And then I do it. Even a seemingly insignificant task, which might seem too small a step to make any real difference, is taking you in the direction you want to go.

This is exactly how the 100 Day Challenge works. You commit to getting serious and taking definitive action toward one driving goal in your life. One thing you want to achieve so badly you can taste it. Something you think about constantly but can never seem to actually DO. And you do it.

The 100 Day Challenge is a great way to break out of the norm, ditch old habits, create new habits, totally turn your life around, or actually achieve something that's only ever been a dream in your head... until now. ;-)

The bottom line is this:

Take action every single day.

Always be moving toward your goals.

It really is that simple.

Everything choice you make is either taking you toward success, or distracting you from it. Period. As a parent, I am always telling my children "make smart choices!" I find that lately I am saying that to myself as well. A little reminder never hurts. :D

Maybe you feel like you don't have enough time. I used to say that about fitness, but now I'm devoting hours to it every week! We make time for the things we really want. Sometimes it's just a matter of getting in the habit, or changing your routine. That's exactly what a dedicated challenge will help you do!

If you need a REAL shift in your life, a challenge may be exactly what you need. ;-)


p.s. Registration for the current challenge ends on July 10th.

Click Here To Join The Challenge!

* I have participated in the challenge myself, and I am also an affiliate. By using my referral link you will be supporting ClickNewz and the ongoing free tutorials and resources shared here. Thank you!

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