Affiliate Niche Blog Setup: First Steps

Seth GodinRight in the middle of this fun Cross Blog Conversation with Vera, super affiliate Rae Hoffman (aka Sugarrae) posted this Seth Godin quote/graphic on her Facebook Page and said:

"That's affiliate marketing in 2013 in a nutshell. Creating a site or presence on the web of value centered around a topic you can actually contribute value on - and then helping your audience find the products, services and solutions they need."

This is exactly what we've been discussing in our live discussion about choosing the right niche (for you!), and finding a market you can truly - passionately - serve.

That said, profit potential and monetization ARE important. Obviously. So Vera's homework was to brainstorm product ideas for her new affiliate niche blog...

Lynn Terry and Vera Raposo

In my last post I suggested that Vera brainstorm freely about products, services, brands, etc that she might discuss on her new affiliate niche blog. In her reply, where she shared her list, she said it could also easily be called “Vera’s Wish List.”

This is exactly how you want to do your product brainstorming!

When you are your own target market, it's easy to make solid recommendations because they're based on your own research and personal experience - which are the type of recommendations people love, and take action on!

We'll dig into that list, and talk more about product selection and monetization, in a future post in this series. For now, Vera needs to get her new affiliate niche blog set up - and she has a question regarding content development. :D

Sidenote About Passion & Serving Your Market

We've talked a lot in this series about choosing a niche you're deeply passionate about, and how that can lead you to your ideal lifestyle. It gives you a platform to talk about the things that matter to you most, and it helps you get your life and business aligned into one goal moving in one direction. This is where you're going to find peace, fun, happiness, and of course success.

But it's not all foo-foo rah-rah happy smappy stuff. This is also what makes a business super successful. Not just in terms of how successful you are as a business owner, or how much money you can make. It's what makes a business that attracts readers and buyers. Your enthusiasm, your genuine attitude and personality, your dedication to your market - these things are what create fans, make getting traffic easy, and increases your conversion rates.

Just to say that it's not ALL about you. It's also about creating a business that makes a difference in the lives of others. Yes, even if you're a "kitchen gadget" or "RC helicopter" enthusiast! ;-) A great example is Michele Uncorked, which is the website of one of my members. Michele loves to drink wine, listen to music and COOK - and she shares her fabulous personality while doing all three on her fun blog.

Affiliate Niche Blog Setup: First Steps

Now that Vera knows her affiliate niche, she's ready to dive in and get started. I love to see people taking action!! :D In Vera's reply, she asked about creating content:

My next question to Lynn… "How much content should I now be prepared to write for this new blog to launch it out there?"

Once you choose your niche, and get excited about your topic, you'll start getting lots of content or topic ideas swirling around in your head.

My recommendation: use Evernote and document EVERY idea you have, from topics to products and everything in between. Keep an ongoing idea journal so you don't draw a blank when it comes time to implement! Evernote is ideal because you can access it from anywhere, and it syncs across all of your computers/devices. ;-)

There are only two pieces of content you need to create upfront, which leads us into your next steps - your homework assignment:

  • Set up your new domain name with your web host. Install WordPress. Choose a free theme to start. Create your About page, and write your first post - on what it means to be a "Faith Adventurist".
  • Set up mailing list for this site in Aweber. Create your opt-in form, and set your list up as a blog broadcast in your Aweber account.
  • Set up your Social Media channels. Flesh out those profiles with your picture, website link, and a fun compelling description. You want to set up specific social media accounts for this venture, so that you're not mixing topics/markets or using your personal accounts. At the very least, claim your name/brand with: Facebook Page, Twitter, Gmail/Google+, YouTube, Pinterest. (Vera: ideally you will use "FaithAdventurist" as your username across the board.)

The goal for now is to have your social channels set up, with links to your new site, with something on that site (about page & first post) to engage them if they click through. Make building your mailing list & social media channels your top priority for now! Get them excited about the topic, and encourage them to join you on the "adventurous journey". ;-)

Once you have that done, let's talk Blog Categories...

Start by listing general topics you think you'll be discussing on your new blog at and we'll go from there.

* The set-up and use of Categories and Tags is a common question, so follow along to watch how we do this on Vera's blog for a "live tutorial" on best uses of both Categories and Tags in WordPress...

Have questions? Want to add something to the discussion? Leave a comment!


p.s. I don't offer private coaching or personal consulting by phone or email. What I'm doing with Vera here publicly is our way of helping as many other people through this process as possible. If you would like for me to work with YOU personally, hands-on, in your business or in the setup of your online business, see:

Ready To Get Serious About Making Money Online?

You'll learn about my Private Mastermind Group at that link, which is only $37/month, and where I help people choose the RIGHT niche, set up their online business, get traffic and make sales, and all the little technical details in between. ;-)

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