Creating A Signature Product For Your Business

Paul B Evans - Signature ProductThis month in my Private Brainstorming Group the "Monthly Elite Challenge" was fast product creation. It was a lot of fun to brainstorm creative ideas, and to see members dig in and make it happen!

I join in the challenges myself and work alongside my members, and as you already know: I released a new product last week.

Unlike topical short reports and other things I've created in various niches over the years, this particular challenge brought out what I considered a Signature Product for me.

I called it a "Signature Product" because this particular product is based on my core values, and this one topic is central to everything that I teach and do online.

I actually thought I was original in calling it that (which is never the case anytime I think I've come up with something original, lol)...

At the exact same time that I published a video discussing my Signature Product, Paul Evans announced a brand new training series on the topic of Creating Your Signature Product.

Let's just say he was reading my mind (lol). Which may not be too far from the truth, given how closely aligned our values are. Paul Evans is one of those people I can really relate to, and have the highest respect for, by the way.

You've heard me talk him before no doubt. He's one of the few I attach the word "integrity" to in this industry. I love learning from him too, because his training is always very practical and highly actionable. If you've ever heard him speak, or followed any of his work online, you know exactly what I mean.

This is actually the first time in almost two years that Paul Evans has released a new 4-week intensive training series, and I recommend you check it out and give it serious consideration.

The series is called Signature Product: 4 Week Interactive Intensive for Creating High-Ticket Products. This will be a step-by-step training on how to create your product from scratch. No PLR, interview techniques, etc. Every. Single. Step.

Join in to create a 100% original high-end product for your business!

Click Here to Sign Up

If you sign up fast you can get access to the free series leading up to the day he opens the Signature Product interactive training. During this free series you'll get:

  • Monday: A video on "What is a Signature Product? & Why You Need One."
  • Tuesday: The "More" Principle and why it qualifies you to release a product of this caliber. If you have ANY hang-ups about creating a high-end product then this will erase those and leave you without any excuses.
  • Thursday: The "Signature Sequence" Part 1. This series will show you how to launch a Signature Product. It's one thing to release a $7 report - a $97+ product is totally different.

Then on Thursday the doors will open to the Signature Product 4 Week Interactive Intensive. The only way to get an invite, and to get access to all of the free content above, is to click this link.

By clicking that you'll be automatically added to the mail outs for everything related to Signature Product. All the free high-value content from Paul Evans, including the Signature Sequence, which is worth $97+ all by itself.

The content leading up to the live training is free, and you'll want to sign up if you're at all interested in having your own $97-$997 Signature Product...

(And you should be, no matter what your niche or business model!)

Click here to learn why & how to create your Signature Product.

I am super excited to have finally released my own Signature Product, and I would LOVE to see you do the same! :D


p.s. You'll want to act fast on this as it starts THIS week. I'm signing up myself, because I have more products in the works and want to learn faster more efficient ways of releasing them. Let's do this!

This post does contain my referral links for the Signature Product Series, but only on my highest recommendation - as usual. At the very least, take advantage of the free content Paul is offering. ;-) *cheers*

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