If you've ever wondered "how do you make an infographic?" then you're going to love this brand new package that just came out!
It's called the Infographics IM Edition. You get infographics you can use as-is immediately, plus source files you can edit to create your own eye-grabbing engagement-building infographics.
These are great for Viral Share Bait.
Not interested in "IM" infographics, or looking for graphics & templates you can use in ANY niche?
Me too! Keep reading, because you are going to LOVE this...
First, take a quick look at the product (that link opens in a new tab/window) so you see what all you get (and how cheap it is!).
All 10 of the graphics you get can be used as-is in your marketing, but all ten templates are also easy to edit for your own purposes. Which means you can use these infographic templates to create awesome images for ANY niche.
There are also some great bonuses including web graphics to spruce up your content, personalize your infographics, and even a cover graphic creator to make great product images. Here is a screenshot of the downloads you'll get:
I also purchased the "Infographics IM Edition PLUS" and "Marketing Graphics Pack" that were offered super cheap after my order. It comes with tons of graphics you can use to spruce up your sales pages and blog posts! Here is just one example:
I used the "Marketing Graphics Bot" package to create an image, just to show you how easy it is. Because I am NOT a graphics person, lol. I was able to open and edit the PSD Files in Pixlr.com (a free graphics editor):
Here's a quick Checklist Graphic example I created by editing that file:
Wow, right? This only took minutes to make. Imagine easily creating graphics like that for your blog posts and sales pages! And I STINK at creating graphics. These templates are amazing - and SO easy to work with!!
I recommend you take a serious look at this offer.
It's super cheap right now, and really a no-brainer for anyone marketing online. You need images for blog posts, sales copy, and even social media.
Imagine how much more your social media updates will stand out with high quality eye-grabbing graphics people want to share!
You'll want to check out the Infographic Maker package, which is the main offer. But once you order that, you'll get the option to order the Marketing Graphics Pack which is what I used to create the checklist above. Also super cheap right now.
As you can see, you can edit the files in the Free Pixlr.com Image Editor, and they are really easy to work with.
This was a seriously awesome investment...
Note: The price is ridiculously cheap, but it goes up with every single sale! Act fast to get the absolute lowest pricing possible.
Disclosure: I ordered this package myself, totally love it, highly recommend it, and of course this is my referral link.