Stop Studying Outdated Marketing Methods!

stopThe web is full of outdated information on internet marketing and online business strategies. That's not limited to courses and training material either...

Some people are teaching these methods currently, without realizing they are outdated or that they don't actually work on today's web.

Why would they do that? Simple: because they don't know any better. Because they haven't tested them personally, or because they decided to teach instead of DO. Which is unfortunate.

It's also a bit ridiculous because there is much more money to be made actually running a real online business, than there is teaching people how to run a business that will never work (or at least, not for long).

BUT, that's not the only thing you need to watch out for online. There may also be an issue with the way you are studying internet marketing...

I've been working online myself for going on 17 years now so I have a unique historical perspective of the web. And of online business & marketing specifically, and on the way people go about learning it or getting started online.

Unfortunately, by the time I meet most of the people I get to talk to they've already been mislead and become frustrated. Most of them have spent far too much money and way too much time learning "wrong methods" - and some have even experienced the fallout from that, such as Google penalties or worse.

Be Cautious. But Also Be Smart!

Yes you do have to watch out for scammers, and even for nice people with good intentions that teach bad information because they don't know any better.

On that note, in order to be successful teaching it you have to be successful doing it - or at least be able to get your market seeing consistent results. If your students, readers, etc are NOT seeing results, you'll lose them. Which is no good for anyone on either side of that situation.

But in addition to doing your research and due diligence before deciding where to learn and who to learn from, HOW you choose to learn matters too!

What do I mean? To put it simply: only learn what you need to know to achieve the ONE thing you are working on right now. Or in other words, learn as you go.

With the constantly changing web, it doesn't make any sense to study everything upfront before you implement. This is the same as studying outdated information, as it may very well be outdated by the time you take action on it!

Whether it's methods, strategies, theory or even resources - you only want to pay attention to information that is specifically relevant to what you are doing right now.

And if you're not yet doing anything? Stop studying, period!

Even if you're studying current, relevant training - it's totally useless to you personally if you're not ready to implement it TODAY.

This is the reason I chose to release my Niche Success Blueprint course in a weekly training format. First, because it allows me to teach timely information that works right now, as I'm creating each weekly training module as we go.

And second, because it gives you the opportunity to "implement as you go" in a step-by-step manner - doing the right tasks in the right order to achieve success online as quickly as possible (without getting derailed or distracted).

Like I said, RESULTS are the key to any successful course or training program. Not only for the people studying, but also for the person teaching.

If you aren't seeing results, you'll stop taking the course. And if you are, you'll continue - and also recommend it to others, continue reading my blog, continue interacting and engaging with me online, etc.

So as you can see, this topic is important to everyone in the industry. Both in terms of how you teach, and how you learn. And of course it's relevant in every other niche or business model, no matter what kind of "results" you want to help your market achieve - or what format you use to encourage those results. ;-)

Consider how you are learning, who you are learning from, which groups or communities you're actively involved in, which events you choose to attend both online and offline, and even how you are teaching if that applies.

And on that note, read this next:

Choose Your Internet Marketing and Business Groups Wisely


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