Need To Buy A Web Cam & Video Lighting?

Continuous Video LightingI decided to buy a web cam and a video lighting set this week.

And in a bit of a rush, I might add. (Thanks Amazon!!) Why? I have something cool coming up... :D

First, I'll tell you about the video lighting I chose, shown there in the image. I ordered the ePhoto 3200 Watt Digital Photography Photo Video Continuous Light Kit after seeing it set up in Atlanta.

Credit goes to Monique Johnson of Both Sides of the Camera for the lighting setup recommendation. (Thank you!) ;-)

This continuous light set is actually a really good deal on Amazon right now. It's not top of the line pro quality, but rather ideal (and priced just right) for video bloggers, or shooting photos & video for the web. Lighting makes ALL the difference, no matter what kind of camera you're using - even if you're shooting with your smart phone.

It's amazing what you can capture with the right light!

This is the number one thing that affects the number of videos I create. For the last few years I've been limited by daylight hours, and the right angle and timing, after several frustrating attempts at shooting after dusk.

I've tried a number of lighting options, most of which are too harsh or too yellow or cast odd shadows. Definitely not the quality you get with natural light, or a "continuous lighting" kit like the one I (finally!) ordered.

What prompted me to finally order a proper video lighting set?

Two things: I finally got a decent recommendation (you'd be surprised how WEIRD some photographers and videographers can be! lol) and actually saw the ePhoto 3200 Watt Continuous Light Kit set up - and liked it. The second reason: Crystal Collins twisted my arm into doing an "after dark" Google Hangout with her. :D

You should join us!

Warning: There is NO telling what you'll hear when you put the two of us together.

I also decided to buy a web cam...

I already have a great camera that I love for vlogging (Video Blogging) and shooting basic videos. And I'm pretty sure I can hook it into either my PC or my Macbook and use it to broadcast live on Google Hangouts and Ustream. I haven't tried it yet though, and thought a cross compatible web cam might just be a nice mobile option to have.

My PC doesn't have a built-in cam, and the built-in cam on my Mac hasn't resulted in even "decent" video quality on Hangouts I've done in the past. I'm still going to test my Vixia - but you may not want to spend $1,000 on a "real video camera" when all you really need is a good web cam.

I decided on the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910:

Buy A Web Cam

If you want to buy a web cam, this Logitech is a great option. It's around $150 and high quality video - with dual built-in noise-cancelling mics for rich, clear HD-quality stereo audio. AND it's both Mac and PC compatible, so you can easily switch between computers or use it anywhere.

There's a newer version, but note that it is ONLY Windows compatible. That's the reason I chose the C910 model instead.

Looking for something cheaper?

I've heard good things about this Rocketfish Web Cam, and it's A LOT cheaper. It does have lower quality specs of course, but I'm sure it would work great for general use.

I'm looking forward to doing more "after dark" video and hangouts now that I have a decent video lighting set on the way. ;-) If you're looking to buy a web cam yourself, or need good video lighting for your home office, check out the links above. I did a lot of asking around, researching, and reading reviews - and am really happy with the choices I made...

Read Web Cam Reviews on Amazon

Read Video Lighting Set Reviews on Amazon


p.s. Join Crystal Collins and I on this fun Hangout during March! :D

What is Success? My (Short) Response, and: How Would YOU Define Success?

Albert Einstein Success QuoteTo celebrate my 17th year in business, I've been answering questions from regular readers about my experience and success over the years...

Clint asked: "What is your idea of success, is it just money or is it much more at this point now that you have the money?"

Another great question... "What IS Success?" Clint is specifically asking me, "How Would YOU Define Success?" I have a short answer for you on that, and I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic as well!

In my last post, where I answered What Motivates You?, I mentioned varying levels of success. Or maybe definitions of success, rather than levels. Going from below the poverty level to a six figure income is certainly one way to define success!

That said, I wasn't necessarily happy at that point in my life.

Sure, during the thick of it, things were awesome. Getting my first business off the ground, starting a second and partnering in a third, and of course the complete lifestyle change - I was on top of my game and enjoying every minute of it!

It wasn't just about business of course. My whole family was involved and working together, which was fun. The kids had a go-cart, we had a pool table, we could afford to do things we hadn't been able to do before. Life was going in a great direction!

Unfortunately that phase was short-lived.

I was working toward my idea of success, but as I've mentioned that didn't quite pan out. And what WAS my idea of success? At that time it was all about the ideal lifestyle for my (at the time, big) family. I had this vision of us all smiling, enjoying life, having it easier, being happier...

What Is Success

Obviously it takes money to fund "a better life for your family" or other dreams you may have. Just like it did for me. So sure, there are financial goals. But the money itself doesn't define success for me personally.

The money was always just a means to an end.

In my post on Self Motivation, I mentioned the things that drive me - the forces that have kept me going for 17+ years now. Fear was one of those things I mentioned: not going hungry, creating a sense of safety and security, etc.

Obviously those things do require money.

But I can also tell you this: The year I made the most money ever, was my worst year ever. Not financially obviously, but personally. And that was the moment I realized that "success" (as most people define it: with dollar signs) meant NOTHING.

In fact, I wrote this post almost 7 years ago: Does Money Buy Happiness?

(Great topic! I just updated that post this week.)

So what is success?

To me, it's happiness. It's "quality of life" - period. And that's a quest I'm still on, and imagine I always will be as my life continues to evolve and change. I've talked about this process (and my experience) over the years too, like in this series:

Have You Found Your Happy Place Yet?

Both of those posts are a great read, and they'll give you some some insight into how I define success. And yes, it's going to be different depending on where you are in your life and what your circumstances are specifically. But even when I was broke and struggling to figure out ways to keep food on the table... my daydreams were about having a happy life with less stress and more fun.

"Happy" looks different to everyone.

I encourage you to figure out YOUR happy!

I don't necessarily get a "happy" feeling about money itself. I make a good living mind you, but don't have any desire for material wealth - or even the impression it gives. I prefer my conservative lifestyle, my privacy, my quiet freedom, and to spend my money traveling to neat places to see neat people - or just doing things I want to do.

There is one other factor to success though, in my book at least. And that's leaving your mark on the world. Leaving this place with some sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Figuring out what you were meant to do, and getting it done. I know what mine is, and I won't consider myself a true "success" until it's complete.

That reminds me of one of the last things my Grandmother said to me before she passed. I was sitting on her bed holding her hand and she said to me with a smile:

"I'm not sad and I'm not scared. I'm ready to leave this world. I did everything I wanted to do."

I hope to be able to say the same...

We all view the concept of "success" differently, of course. And that's perfectly fine! What about you: How would you define success?

I'd also love to hear what you struggle with most when it comes to reaching YOUR version of success? We all have our roadblocks and frustrations, strengths & weaknesses even. What do you feel holds you back most??


~ Yes, I'm using the beautiful quote graphics again! How's that for setting a great usability example? ;-)

What Motivates You? Self Motivation Is…

Self MotivationFebruary 2014 marks my 17th year in business, and I've had a lot of great questions about my history in business and my experiences along the way.

Including this one:

"What motivates you to do the things you do to become successful?"

That seems like a simple question that deserves a simple answer. Self Motivation isn't exactly a simple topic though, as you've likely discovered by now. I'll give you MY answer to that question, along with the things I do to STAY motivated - or to continue achieving goals even when I don't feel particularly motivated...

What Motivates You?

My source of motivation has changed over the years, or evolved with the changes in my life I should say. In the beginning what really drove me was simple: I wanted more for my family. I had a vision for what I wanted, and I was willing to sacrifice everything to make that vision a reality. You can read that story here.

What is Motivation

I did achieve a certain level of "success" with that original goal. I didn't get a chance to see my vision become a reality, but I was able to completely change our lifestyle and go from "below poverty level" to a six figure income. That brings us around to "defining success" of course, which I'll address in detail in my next post. ;-)

The quote above by Les Brown really speaks to me. That's exactly the kind of motivation I had. I was willing to do ANYthing to have a better life - which to me was more about being happy. Another simple word that can be a very complex topic...

As I mentioned, my source of motivation changed a lot over the years. After my unexpected divorce it was about getting back on my feet after a financially painful split, and figuring out a way to be a full-time (at home) parent.

My oldest child was sick at the time and I had to home school, so getting a job outside the home was not an option. FAILING at earning an income from home was NOT an option. Unless I wanted us all to be homeless and starve. lol.

At times I've envied the people that DID have the option to fail. But at the same time, I know from personal experience that it's much harder to succeed (at anything) from a point of complacency.

I got to a place of comfort myself at one point. Or to a point where I'd achieved the vision that drove me so hard for so long. It was an odd place to be. As in "what do I do now??" without that constant driving force.

Of course, by then I was more confident and more educated - enough so to have even bigger dreams and create more ambitious goals!

What motivates me now? 17 years later, with a successful business and my two children raised, my life is totally different. And so is my source of motivation.

The kids are happy and healthy, and they both work. :D I'm stepping into a new phase where I get to focus on myself, and specifically the things I want to enjoy in life now that I have that freedom and flexibility to pursue whatever I please.

In the last few years I've done a lot of traveling, including five trips to Australia, and adopted a Great Dane and have fostered four others. Financially speaking, they're basically a "car payment" each. ;-) I have other things I want to do still, all of which require the means. Some are purely for personal enjoyment, other goals are based around the work I want to do before I leave this world.

So... new phase of life, new goals, fresh source of motivation!

Just like 17 years ago, I want it bad enough to get up every single day and work toward seeing it through. Even if it is hard work. Even if it takes years (like before - because that was SO worth it!!). No matter what. Because it's what I want, and because you only have one shot to make the most of the live you're given.

Self Motivation: Pushing Yourself When You Don't FEEL Motivated

All that ( ^ above) makes it sounds like I'm this super-motivated highly driven woman with unlimited energy. That's not the case. lol.

I have days I don't feel motivated at all. There are days my mind goes blank and I have zero creative inspiration or energy. There are even days I feel frustrated, or want to bang my head against the wall or cry my eyes out. And sometimes I just want to crawl in a hole and pull the hole in behind me! On those days... I unplug from my goals and go do something totally different. Even if it's just to go back to bed.

That said, you can't live in that space. Not if you want to be happy.

While it's okay to take breaks, take downtime, pout and fuss even... you don't want to get stuck there. It's just like losing weight. You can be frustrated and disappointed and drown your sorrows in an entire large pizza. But ultimately you have to get off your ass and force yourself to go to the gym and to the grocery store and go through the steps of making the change you know you really want. (Nobody is going to go to the gym FOR you. And even if they did... um, it wouldn't do YOU much good. lol.)

The term Self Motivation is an interesting one. I think most of my motivation came from external sources in the beginning. Wanting more for my family. Proving everyone - or certain people - wrong (lol). Wanting to give my children a better life, etc. Of course, I suppose I could have just stayed broke and blamed my circumstances. "This is the life I was dealt" kind of thinking. I suppose some people do.

The thing is, I've been hungry. I've been COLD. I've done without. I won't even list or describe some of those situations because they were horrific experiences I don't even want to relive myself. I know in the back of my mind that you can lose everything in the blink of an eye. You can go from healthy to sick/injured. You can go from happy to devastated. You can go from rich to broke. It can happen fast, totally blindside you. Life strikes. And it does not discriminate. (Poor Job!)

So maybe "fear" is my source of self-motivation. Interesting. Motivation is a feeling too of course, an intangible thing just like fear. And if we're going to talk feelings, throw in "anger" and "hurt" as a couple of sources that really drove me - especially in the beginning. I refused to live the life I felt like I was dealt.

STAYING Motivated

I'm past all of that now of course, so you ask "what motivates you" and you really have me thinking! I'm no longer angry, I no longer have anything to prove to anyone, I no longer have the responsibility of making sure two innocent children get properly fed. I do perhaps still hold a bit of "healthy fear" in the back of my mind though, which I consider a GOOD thing. It pushes me to stay committed to the goal of a secure and safe environment.

My biggest source of self motivation these days is that I want more. I'm not done living. I'm only 40 and I have a whole new phase of life in front of me - to do anything I want! Plus... I truly love my work. I enjoy what I do. I can't imagine NOT doing it.

My drive for my work is strong, and not entirely selfish. I love that it has a positive impact on the world, that it's a positive influence for other people. With my low carb blog for example, I'm helping others become a happier healthier version of themselves - and that totally makes my day!

Still, I have those days like I mentioned where I don't "feel" motivated, or particularly inspired. On those days, I get up and do the work anyway. I may not have a kick-ass hyper productive day, but I at least do what I can. I choose a high priority task, or a necessary task even, and just do it. I don't care if I only work for a single hour out of the whole day, as long as I do something toward my goals.

In fact, we were just discussing this on Facebook this week:

Goals are work, whether you feel motivated or not. You either want it, or you don't.

C.A. said: "I have worked hard my whole life, and it seems that everything I want to do is an uphill battle.. Nothing comes easy, I mean nothing... I don't mind working at all, but when does one get a freakin break? lol I guess it is just overwhelming some days to try and focus when there is so much work to do."

My life has been anything but easy, so I can totally relate. In fact I talked about that recently in my post on Making Things Happen! For what it's worth, I'm not where I want to be in my life yet either - as you'll see from reading that post.

It's a constant work in progress. ;-)

Personally, I think it's the struggles and the hurdles that each person has with their own individual circumstances... that really PUSH us to make positive change. And it seems to me that the more you do push yourself, the more you step out of your comfort zone, the more challenges you'll face. Life seems to be wired that way.

You have two options when you get blocked. You can throw your hands up and give in - and retreat back to your comfort zone. Or you can get pissed off and plow through the block. Or I guess you have a third option - you can just stay right where you are and do nothing, and change nothing.

I find getting pissed off and plowing through works exceptionally well. :D

Life is not going to make it easy on you. PEOPLE are not going to make it easy on you. What's that saying- Nothing worth having is easy? I like this quote from Theodore Roosevelt too. It at least confirms that I'm on the right track when the going gets tough, or when I'm feeling frustrated but pushing myself forward anyway.

I'm not sure that anyone thinks life is easy. Everyone has their struggles, frustrations, desires, fears, etc. I'm not sure life is even meant to be easy.

I guess you were hoping for a short, simple answer. Apologies for the verbose response. ;-) As I said in the beginning, motivation is quite the complex topic.

I could have given you a simple answer to what motivates me, like:

- Keeping the IRS paid
- Seeing my daughter though college
- Maintaining what is my only source of income
- Keeping my home
- Buying a cabin on the lake
- Continuing to travel the world
- Paying off some debts I incurred (house, medical, etc)
- Padding my financial "security net"
- Contributing to causes I believe in
- Affording the time to write the books I want to publish

All of those are current goals, yes. But my real motivation is to be... more happy. If I boiled this entire conversation down into a single sentence, it would be:

What motivates me most is: Happiness.

Speaking of, I love this quote from Craig Ballantyne:

"The Ballantyne Rule of Happiness: You need to have lots of good things going on in your life. The busier you are with projects and events that you anticipate will bring good things into your life, the happier you will be." -Craig Ballantyne of

That's my answer. What motivates YOU? Leave a comment below and share YOUR source of self motivation, and how you keep things moving in the right direction... even when you don't necessarily feel like it.


p.s. Like the beautiful quote graphics in this post? See that link to learn how to create your own - free! ;-)

Enjoy this post? Be sure to subscribe below for notification of new posts. Next we'll be discussing how I define success, and having an open discussion on achieving your own success - so stay tuned!

FREE: Social Media Profit System For 2014

Free Facebook TrainingOn Monday, February 24th, Mari Smith is hosting another of her (well known to be totally awesome!) free webinars. You won't want to miss out on this one. ;-)

Social Profit System 2014: How To Create A Proven Facebook & Social Media Marketing Strategy

Mari will cover advanced Facebook Marketing Strategies - plus an effective 2014 Social Profit System.

She's also going to cover the #1 social media challenge: TIME.

This is definitely going to be a must-attend event, whether you participate live or register to hear the replay - just make sure you get signed up either way. It's free! -and you're bound to learn something you can put to use immediately.

Social Profit System 2014:

How To Create A Proven Facebook & Social Media Marketing Strategy

Date: Monday, February 24th
Time: 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern
Duration: 2-hour FREE Webinar

Click Here to Register

Enjoy! :D


This webinar is completely free to attend, and this is my referral link for the free event. If you love free training like this, as well as free tutorials & free online business tips and resources, be sure to subscribe by email below to receive notifications so you don't miss out!

Create Beautiful Quote Graphics – Easy & Free!

Thomas Edison Quote GraphicsAccording to

Photo tweets are 94% more likely to be shared than text-based tweets.

It's no secret that graphics and images get more engagement and shares across social media. They are also a great way to illustrate your blog posts and other documents (newsletters, PDF files, etc).

But how do you create beautiful quote graphics with no real graphics skills?

You're in luck! I'll show you a FREE (and super easy) solution...

First, you start with a quote. You can find quotes on just about any topic you can imagine. We were able to find tons of quotes about cub scouts even, when Sherry and I were looking at quote graphics for her site at Cub Scout Ideas.

(Sherry's site is super cool by the way so check it out if you have cub scouts, or if you know parents that do be sure to share her site with them!)

Whatever your topic, you'll find a quote for it at You can search by author, keyword or category - and they have tons of quotes to choose from.

Once you find a quote you like, click on it to open it on it's own page:

Creating Quote Graphics

Below the quote, you'll see an option to "share as image" - click that button. A design window will pop up allowing you to choose a background for your quote graphic, edit the font and colors, etc.

Choose a relevant background image that matches your quote, and edit it to suit you. Then click the Save and Share button at the bottom right.

Quote Images

Once you click Save and Share it will show you your image and give you the option to share it on your social media channels right there on that page. You can do that - but you may want to share it on your Facebook Page, use it in a blog post, or save it to your hard drive to illustrate a document, etc.

Simply click the "View Image Page" link:

Make Your Own Quote Graphics

On this page, you can right click and then click "Save Image As" to save these Quote Graphics to your hard drive:

Saving Your Quote Graphics

Here's an example of a beautiful quote graphic I created earlier today, using a quote by Benjamin Franklin from It literally took just a few short minutes to create it, save it & share it:

Benjamin Franklin Quote Graphic

I know what you're thinking... that background image doesn't really match that quote! Right? I did that on purpose, lol. I used it to make a point.

I shared it on my Facebook Page with a relevant message:

All of the quote graphics you create at have a creative commons license, and are free to use for both personal and commercial use.

Have fun creating beautiful quote graphics for your social media channels, or to illustrate your blog posts and other documents! :D *cheers*


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Using a URL Shortener? 8 Reasons To STOP!

Why Use a URL Shortener?I've never understood why anyone would use a URL Shortener, but A LOT of people do, so it's time for a discussion and some eye-opening facts on this bad practice.

I'm curious why people even use these third party services to shorten URL's?? So curious in fact, that I recently asked - and got some really interesting answers.

It seems pretty common to just blindly take advice without considering the consequences, or doing your own research. And of course most people simply aren't aware of the consequences OR the alternate (better) options...

Let's look at one example: The Bitly URL Shortener

If you've been using Bitly to shorten URL's or cloak links, you should go back and double check all of your links. I've been getting this warning message all over the web when I click on Bitly links (which is rare!):

bitly warning

In most cases, this would stop someone in their tracks. Would YOU continue if you saw this warning on your screen after clicking a link? Maybe YOU would, but you might be more educated than most surfers - or than your market. Even with 17 years experience online and as a web savvy person, I'd be likely to back out of that one.

And by the way, two of the more recent Bitly links that gave me this error were pointing to MY site - so I know there was nothing questionable about the link. :-|

This is happening on A LOT of affiliate links shortened with Bitly (and other URL Shortener / link cloaking services too, I've discovered). Which means tons of people have dead "money links" all over the web now. Nice, hey? :shock:

As many bloggers have reported, similar warnings are being shown for the Google URL Shortner and Hootsuite's shortened links - particularly for shortened ClickBank affiliate links, but not exclusively.

The point is, it doesn't matter which cloaking/shortener service you use, you may ultimately run into this issue depending on what policies they choose to put into place or what actions they choose to take - which you have zero control over.

URL Shorteners Affect Your CTR (Click Through Rate)

I mentioned that I rarely click on Bitly links, or any shortened link for that matter - such as TinyURL. Why? Because I don't know what's behind those links. It could lead to malware, spam, adult content, who knows! I can't tell by looking at the link itself, so I'm hesitant to click on it at all. And I'm not the only one.

Who wants to click on a questionable link?! I don't. :P

Even without a big glaring warning screen, a shortened URL causes people to think twice before clicking on your links. Which is NOT the response you want...

Shortening a URL is NOT Necessary. And Could Hurt Your Business!

I can't think of a single good reason to shorten a URL. Can you? Especially considering all the potential consequences we've already discussed.

The only "argument" I've even heard over this is to shorten a link so it fits into a Tweet on Twitter. But the fact is, Twitter automatically shortens your full URL to a link anyway.

And when it comes to Social Media, you want to be cautious about using automated software or programs that shorten your URL's for you, as these are often filtered out from the content stream - or are subject to future content filters on certain social networks. It's best to post manually to each network anyway so you can use the appropriate formatting, tags and hashtags.

Assuming you actually want to get traffic and engagement via Social Media. ;-)

Issues with Plugins, Email Marketing & Amazon

I've heard two instances recently where users got banned from Amazon's affiliate program for using a certain plugin to cloak their affiliate links. I believe one of those plugins was Ninja Affiliate if I remember correctly - but any cloaking/shortener that "frames" links will get you banned from Amazon's program instantly.

You've been warned.

Speaking of WordPress Plugins for cloaking links... What if that plugin stops working? What if the developer stops updating/supporting it and it "breaks" on a future WordPress udpate? That's something to consider.

At the very least, make sure you have ALL of your links saved somewhere (such as a spreadsheet, or Evernote) in case you do need to go back and restructure or recreate every single one of those links sometime in the future. Ack!

There's nothing like a slew of "money links" going totally dead all over the web on you!

What seems like a time saver now could be a royal nightmare at some point. ;-)

Some shortened URL's will get your emails flagged as well, causing deliverability and filtering issues. Given the importance of email marketing, it's simply not worth it to use a URL Shortener when communicating with your subscribers. Ever.

What About Your Branding??

When it comes to your email marketing and social marketing, why would you use ANYthing but your own domain? Forget the fact that your content may get filtered out, and people may be wary about clicking on your links - what about branding? Do you want people to remember YOU or do you want to promote Bitly or Owly or TinyURL's brand all over the web? Right.

Market your business, market your brand, and maintain full control over how your links look and how your links work.

If you need to shorten links from your own domain, there are two options. First, you can use the Post ID in your permalink structure. When you do that, you can remove everything but the domain and Post ID to create a shorter version of your post link.

For example, this link:

... works the same shortened to:

(Try it!)

You can also edit your permalink when composing a blog post so that the link is shorter than the title - which is ideal anyway. In the example link I showed you above, the actual Post Title is: "Learn Copywriting Techniques, Plus Awesome Sales Letter Example (Must See)". But I shortened the permalink to "learn-copywriting-techniques", which is a cleaner and shorter URL. It's not necessary to stuff the whole title into the permalink or file name.

Simple and Effective! :D

So now you know all the reasons NOT to use a URL Shortener. But what if you simply want to cloak long, ugly affiliate links? There's a simple solution for that...

Cloaking Links Is Easy. No URL Shortener Required.

For both branding purposes AND to retain full control over your links, you should cloak links yourself. I do not recommend using a plugin or script or any sort of third party service (for all the reasons already explained).

You have two options:

- Domain Redirects
- HTML Redirects

If you have an affiliate program you promote a lot, it makes sense to register a domain name and redirect that domain to your affiliate link. It's an inexpensive solution, and you can set it up in seconds right inside your GoDaddy domain manager.

To give you a live example, I registered which redrects to the Problogger Workbook via my affiliate link. This is nice and clean in text - but it's also easier to say on webinars, podcasts, audio interviews, in person, on the phone, or when I'm speaking from the stage. MUCH easier than sharing the actual affiliate URL or any shortened URL for that matter!

For other things, I create an HTML redirect. Either because it's a short term promotion (I don't necessarily need a domain name long-term for it) or just because it's quick and easy. The HTML redirects are just an html file I upload to my host.

Example: redirects to HostGator with my affiliate link. "Hostgator.htm" is just a file I created and uploaded that tells the link to redirect.

To set up an HTML Redirect, create a text file (in a text editor) with this code:

[title>Sales Letter Formula[/title]
[META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL="]

* Note: Change the [ and ] to < and >

Edit the Title and the URL, save it as filename.html and then upload it to your server. You can then use that link instead of your affiliate link. I did that with this link: which is just a text file that redirects the click to my DataFeedr referral link. You could create a folder or directory called "datafeedr" and then name your file index.html so that your redirect looks like this instead: - that's totally up to you.

Again - super easy, and you retain full control over all of your links. :D

I've been creating my own redirects (through domain names or HTML redirects) since way before all these services and options hit the scene. And I've continued doing it my way, fortunately, because I've seen one issue after the other with many of those services/scripts. I recommend you give this some serious though if you are currently using a URL Shortener or a link cloaking program of any kind.

There are just too many risks, and you're setting yourself up to potentially lose traffic and sales - which is a real shame.

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p.s. Share this post with everyone you know. Let's stop this bad practice! ;-)

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