Blog Setup: How To Write A Blog

iBlog Magazine for Professional Women BloggersIn my Niche Success Blueprint I teach people how to set up a niche website or blog that serves a specific market, and has long-term profit potential as a solid online business.

The actual blog setup, and how to write a blog so it makes the most sense for new visitors, are two important factors you want to get right from the start.

In this post I'll cover the most frequently asked questions about blog setup including: creating your core content, pages vs posts, ideal publishing frequency, and how to write a blog that engages your readers. This structure is great for setting up a new blog, but even if you have an established blog it's never too late to restructure for better usability. ;-)

Blog Setup: Using WordPress

I assume you already have a blog set up, but if not you'll need to install WordPress (which is free) on your hosting account. I use HostGator and you can use the coupon code "save994offer" to get your first month of web hosting for only a penny. Choose the Baby Account for only $9.95/month as it allows you unlimited domains and blogs on the one account.

Once you install WordPress you'll want to select a free theme, which is a "design and layout" for your blog. They're easy to install and you can find free tutorials online for doing basic customizations.

Tip: Go to Settings > General in your WordPress Dashboard and edit your Site Title and Tagline. Don't repeat your domain name in either of these fields. Create a descriptive, compelling Title and Tagline that will interest your target market.

How To Write A Blog

Most people start out writing an "introduction" for their first blog post, but I don't recommend this. Instead, create an About page and include any introductory information there, along with contact info and an invitation to subscribe for updates and/or connect with you on your social channels.

The structure of your content, and the type of content you create to start, are important for the overall usability of your blog. You want to make it easy for visitors (and search engines) to know exactly what your site is about.

Start by outlining your Core Content. What are the basic topics your market will need to know? These are the topics you'll refer back to often, or reference in future posts, as they are the base for your overall topic.

For example, I have a low carb blog. Topics I refer back to often include things like "how to figure net carbs" and "where to buy almond meal". Since I use Almond Meal in many of my recipes, I link back to that post as a reference for my readers. Or if I'm discussing the number of "net carbs" in a product, I link back to my post for new readers who aren't familiar with the term.

It's smart to start your blog by creating this Core Content and covering the basics that you'll need to reference again and again in future blog posts.

Pages vs Posts : Your Navigation

In your WordPress blog setup you'll create both pages and posts. Pages are meant for static content that are part of your site navigation and easily visible to visitors no matter where they enter your blog. Posts are for micro-topical content that go into topical Categories.

Standard pages include About, Contact, Advertising, etc. It's smart to also create a "getting started" Page that introduces new visitors to the topic and/or your concept of your site. This Page is a great place to link back to your Core Content that explains things in more detail. For example, on my low carb blog I have a Page on "starting the low carb diet" for people just getting started that explains how it works. And of course I link back to my Core Content such as "how to figure net carbs" etc.

Pages typically become part of your main navigation so having a starting point for new visitors, or people new to your topic, is a great idea - and a great way to link to all of your Core Content or basic "how-to" blog posts in one place.

Once you create your Pages and your Core Content, simply start blogging (sharing tips and resources) in each of the Categories you set up.

See: Setting Up WordPress Categories & Using Tags

Post Length & Blogging Frequency

There is no "best publishing frequency" but the more you blog the more traffic you'll get. This is because you're targeting more keyword phrases in your niche, so there are more ways for your market to find you via search. And because you're putting out more content via Social Media, giving people more opportunities to visit your blog.

Also, the more you blog the more frequently Google (and other search engines) will "crawl" your blog for new content to index. So if you blog more frequently, your posts will get indexed faster.

Publishing a new post 3x a week as a minimum is a good goal to start. You can simply publish your blog posts as you write them, or you can write them in advance and use the WordPress scheduling feature to have them publish on specific days/times.

Keep in mind that every post doesn't have to be an essay. You can blog more frequently by doing shorter posts in between - such as sharing a video, quoting another great blog post and adding your thoughts to it then opening a discussion with your readers by asking them a question about it.

You can recommend a product or service and say why it's your preferred source, and ask what they use. There are a lot of options for shorter posts in between the longer more informative how-to posts or reviews.

On that note, there is no ideal post length. Simply make your blog posts as long or as short as it takes to make the point you want to share - period.

Word Count doesn't matter. Engaging your readers and/or sharing something useful is all that really does matter.

Blog Post Structure: Writing A Great Blog Post

I use a structure, or an outline, to write my blog posts. I find this makes the process MUCH easier, and a lot faster. There are 7 elements I include in my blog posts, so I start by outlining these elements - then flesh out the actual content from the outline.

See: How To Write A Blog Post

The link above will show you a live example and a detailed outline of the seven elements I include when I write a blog post. If you're struggling with the actual content, you'll want to read this post:

The Secret To Writing Really Great Content

If you're wondering how to write a blog that people will actually want to read, it's best to start by answering their questions.

You can do this through keyword targeting, and also by scouting the groups and forums in your niche to see what topics people are interested in hearing about.

That should give you some great ideas for basic blog setup.

Now go do some blogging. ;-)

Need step-by-step help? Join us at Niche Success Blueprint! :D


p.s. Two great resources I love for writing fast blog posts are Jiffy Articles and Easy Article Starters. You can see those links for live examples.

iBlog Magazine for Professional Women Bloggers

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