Productivity: Micro-Tasking and Multi-Tasking

There are people that will tell you multitasking doesn't work. And in some cases, I would agree. Focus is ideal.

But when it comes to mundane tasks, I multitask every chance I get. I fold clothes while on the phone, work out while I watch TV, catch up on things like social media & blog comments from my mobile device when I'm standing around waiting on something, etc.

But one thing that works even better for me than multitasking, is MICRO-tasking. This simply means that I break almost everything down into "bite sized" tasks that I can do in a matter of minutes. Micro-Tasking has really improved my productivity...

If you're like me, you're very familiar with distraction and overwhelm.

Working from home can make for a distracting work space. Even if your space is quiet, we all have our own internal distractions. Focus, self-discipline and motivation don't always come easy! And of course working online is distracting by nature.

There are other reasons to improve your efficiency and productivity as well. For example, this year I decided to exercise daily and also increase my social schedule. Both of which require more time, which had to come from somewhere. ;-)

Regardless of your situation or personal struggles, I'm guessing you would really like to get more done in less time...

The Time Log Exercise

Keeping a Time Log is a great way to monitor how you spend your time, see your most productive times of day, and discover how you can improve your daily routine.

Keep track of every single thing you do for three straight days.

You can use a notepad on your desk, but I prefer to use Evernote given I don't spend the entire day in my office.

I put everything in my Time Log. What time I wake up, what I work on, phone calls, personal tasks, how long I nap, errands, etc - and include how long each activity or task takes. This is a really quick way to see where you're wasting time, and an easy way to compare time-wasters against money-makers.

It's an eye-opening exercise that will seriously improve your productivity!

Using Time Blocks

I'm a very routine person by nature, but I do not thrive on a strict schedule. I've tried creating a schedule in the past and found it very frustrating. It left me feeling defeated when I couldn't stick to it for one reason or another.

Instead I use what I call "time blocks" which are specific blocks of time set aside to achieve specific tasks. They're very flexible in that I can do them any time of day, which works best with my creative flow.

Time Blocks are only used for my highest priority tasks. If you're creating a digital product, you might set aside one hour every day to work on that product. If you struggle with staying on top of email, you might set aside 30 minutes every morning to focus on that. I even have personal time blocks - one of mine being exercise, which is flexible time-wise just so long as I do *something* active every single day.

The key is to turn everything else off, block out all other distractions, and focus 100% on the task at hand during any given Time Block.

I use check boxes in my Evernote file and make a game of checking off all of my Time Blocks each day. :)

You'll be amazed how much you can accomplish in even a short amount of focused time! It can be a real challenge to sit down and complete a project start to finish without getting distracted (or bored, even). But consistently working on a project, or toward your goal, in focused Time Blocks is how I discovered REAL results.


Even with a focused Time Block set aside to work on something specific, that task can often seem overwhelming as a whole.

I break everything on my task list down into VERY simple micro-tasks. This serves two purposes: it prevents overwhelm, and it gives me that constant sense of accomplishment - which tends to keep my motivation up.

To give you some examples my task list might include: call dentist, reply to blog comments, respond to Facebook Page comments, decide on next blog post topic, water plants, reply to email about advertising, etc.

If I have a few minutes, I can usually knock out 1-3 simple tasks. My goal is to move as many items from the "to-do" list to the "done" list as I can in a day.

Of course, my priority tasks and creative work take longer time blocks, so I schedule those accordingly. I get up early and do the priority tasks first - while the house is still quiet and before distractions start for the day.

But anytime I'm between time blocks, or have a few extra minutes, I can mark off a micro-task. Or two or three or five. :)

I even do this when writing a blog post. I rarely go from idea to published post all in one sitting. I start with an idea, then:

- jot down idea & save as draft
- find keyword phrase for the post
- find & insert image
- insert placeholders for each element (intro, outline, conclusion/call-to-action, signature, p.s.)

... then complete each of those sections/elements individually.

You can see a live example of that here.

Sometimes my work space is just too distracting (or *I* am too distracted) to sit down and complete a whole task - like writing a blog post. By breaking it down into micro-tasks, it gets done bit by bit as I have time. I can get most of it done in one sitting, or piece it together over the course of the day.

The great thing about breaking bigger projects down is that it makes them easier to do AND you don't have to set aside a whole block of time to do it all at once.

You simply follow the steps, or do the micro-tasks. It gets easier over time once you get a "system" in place for things like writing blog posts, writing articles, creating reports, shooting/editing/publishing videos, etc.

I would love to hear if you use Time Blocks or Micro-Tasking, or how you beat distraction and overwhelm while working online and/or from home.

Leave a comment and share your favorite productivity tips below! ;-)


Google Penalty Evaluation and Recovery

Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde just released a brand new FREE guide on Google Penalty & Recovery.

The title "PERP" stands for Penalty Evaluation & Recovery Program.

Click Here To Download

Dan and Leslie are both highly respected SEO experts. This new guide is a must-have free download that explains what has changed and why, along with a step-by-step procedure for fixing various SEO problems related to the recent updates.

Here's a peek at the table of contents:

Not only do they explain what has changed with Google and why, but they also provide a step-by-step procedure for fixing the different classes of problems you may be experiencing with your site(s).

Then, to help you stay out of trouble in the future, they end the book with marketing methods that are safe and effective at increasing rank now - and into the future.

This 92 page document is completely free (an email optin is required) and there are NO promotional links inside. It's pure up-to-date content on current SEO issues and site recovery processes.

Click Here To Download Your Free Copy


Need Traffic? Year-End Advertising Special

With the year coming to an end I wanted to share the annual blog stats with you, and a last-chance opportunity to take advantage of 2012 advertising rates before the New Year rate increase.

In 2012 ClickNewz saw over a million unique visitors, with more than 10 million page views.

As the year closes, ClickNewz is currently seeing an average of over 16,000 page views per day...

All of the traffic is purely organic and highly targeted. Top traffic sources are major search engines, social media channels, guest blogging and personal referrals.

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Social Media Reach

These numbers are current as of December 28, 2012. I post manually and individually to each of these social networks, and interact personally on all of them.


In addition to the social media reach, there are more than 10k subscribers between RSS and Email at any given time, with a high per-item click through rate.

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Single Post Stats

While overall stats are fun and interesting, I pay special attention to the stats of a single page or post over time. Achieving a top 10 ranking and funneling highly targeted traffic into specific pages is my specialty.

For example, my post about starting a free online business was written more than 4 years ago (August 2008). In 2010 it saw 31,883 visits due to top rankings in Google for multiple long tail keyword phrases. In 2011 it saw 71,594 visits. Yes, more than double the year before. In 2012 that same post saw 104,264 visitors.

Again, this is a single blog post that was published almost 4 1/2 years ago, and the traffic just continues to increase every year!

See: How Much Is Your Content Worth?

An optimized post here at ClickNewz using a very specific keyword phrase, with a strong call to action in the post, can be quite valuable. ;-)

As another example my post on how to make money online - which was published in April 2010 (almost three years ago) - saw 76,238 visits in 2012.

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Advertising Options

For a limited time you can still take advantage of the 2012 advertising rates. You can get side-wide exposure as a ClickNewz Sponsor for only $500/month. Note: Space is limited. I only accept TWO sponsors at any given time.

You can secure a sponsorship for the entire year for only $3600 (40% off the monthly ad rate). See the two ClickNewz Sponsor spots in the right sidebar above and below the "Hot Topics" section. You could see YOUR ad there!

Your advertisement graphic needs to be 300 pixels wide by 250 pixels high. Send a link to your graphic, the destination URL, and your preferred Alt Text for the image with your advertising request.

Please use the contact form to submit your ad details for consideration. Sponsors are hand selected, so I will get back with you personally on your request.

Option #2: Featured Editorial / Review

I will write a quality blog post about your product, book or website for $250. This includes a keyword-optimized post, minimum 500 words, targeted exposure to my active readership, and a permanent inbound link with anchor text of your choice.

This also includes direct exposure to my mailing lists and social media channels.

As I mentioned earlier, one well-optimized blog post can continue to serve you for months – and even years. Here is just one example of a sponsored post, to give you an idea what you can expect: Virtual Spokesperson.

Not all requests will be accepted. Again it must be relevant and of interest to my readership. I reserve the right to accept or deny post sponsorships at my discretion.

(If you prefer to write the post yourself, the rate is only $150.)

Please use the contact form to submit your request for consideration.

Include your URL, preferred anchor text, and the angle/topic you would like covered. Please include as much detail as possible. If your Featured Editorial ad request is approved, I will send a reply with payment instructions.

If you are interested in text links only, please contact me through the form for current rates & options. And if you have specific advertising needs or interesting ideas… I’m all ears. Get in touch and let's talk! ;)


Best Identity Theft Prevention Program: Lifelock

identity theft prevention programDecember is Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness Month, which is a great opportunity for us to discuss one of those things we like to think will never happen to us.

I got a nice little reality check earlier this year when I got hacked, and also had my personal data compromised. :(

That's when I signed up for LifeLock, which came personally recommended.

I've always joked about Identity Theft, saying "If you really think you want to be me, have at it!" LOL. The fact is though, it's no laughing matter. Not at all...

According to the Javelin Strategy & Research 2011 Identity Fraud Survey Report, more than 8 million people were victims of Identity Theft last year.

That's a scary number! :shock:

You can easily become a victim if someone goes through your trash, steals your wallet, you use file sharing sites online, someone diverts your mail through a change-of-address request, or there are data breaches where you shop with your credit/debit card (online or off). And those are just a few of the ways. Identity theft is a rising problem, with technology assisting them with sneaky new mobile trends and more.

Having your identity stolen isn’t just costly in time and money, it can also lead to false imprisonment, life-threatening false medical records, and much more.

In the hands of a thief, just your name, address, Social Security number and date of birth, can be used over and over to: Open new lines of credit, Seek medical attention, Drain savings and retirement accounts, Provide an alias when arrested, Get a job and file false tax returns, etc...

-source: LifeLock

Since I signed up for LifeLock I get an update via email every month, and will also receive instant text alerts if there is a compromise.

Fortunately I haven't had any issues yet, but I absolutely love getting that positive confirmation from them every month... and knowing I'm fully protected!

At only $10/month, it was a small price to pay for peace of mind. But you can get it even cheaper right now while LifeLock is hosting their year-end special through December 31st: Use this link for 30 Days Free + 15% off

LifeLock was recently named Organization of the Year in the 2012 American Business Awards:

TEMPE, Ariz., Oct. 17, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LifeLock, Inc., an industry leader in proactive identity theft protection, is the most honored organization in the 2012 American Business Awards, being named Organization of the year.

For more than seven years, LifeLock has been leading the way for consumers to help protect their identities from potential identity threats and was the first in the industry to offer proactive identity theft protection.

LifeLock was also recently recognized by the American Business Awards as the 2012 Company of the Year – Diversified Services and 2012 Marketing Campaign of the Year.

This marks the sixth consecutive year that LifeLock has won Stevie Awards presented by the American Business Awards, the most of any company in the identity theft protection industry.

Like I said, they came highly recommended. Identity Theft Insurance is included in your membership as well, with ZERO deductible. This insurance reimburses you for certain out-of-pocket expenses if you become a victim of identity theft, including:

• Fraudulent withdrawals
• Lost wages
• Temporary child and elderly care
• Document replacement fees
• Travel expenses

LifeLock includes these benefits as well:

Identity Threat Detection and Alerts. Alerts you whenever LifeLock detects your personal information in applications for credit and services within an extensive network.

Black Market Website Surveillance. Patrols over 10,000 black market Internet sites for the illegal buying, selling or trading of your personal information.

Address Change Verification. Notifies you anytime LifeLock detects a change of address associated with your personal information to protect against thieves trying to divert your mail.

Lost Wallet Protection. Helps you quickly cancel or replace credit or debit cards from a lost or stolen wallet before fraudulent charges occur. Please visit your secure member portal at and update your wallet contents to maximize efficiency.

$1 Million Service Guarantee. As a LifeLock member, if you become a victim of identity theft, LifeLock will spend up to $1 million to hire experts to help your recovery.

Don't become the next Identify Theft horror story.

Without an identity theft prevention program you could end up facing tax fraud charges, jail time, bankruptcy, lose your home - it's horrific what these thieves can do to your life before you even realize you've been compromised!

My own personal experience was pretty scary.

After my domain was stolen earlier this year, the thief used my domain and information to steal someone else's online business. That business owner threatened legal action against ME! Fortunately we were able to get it straightened out, but I'm lucky he contacted me before he proceeded...

None of like to think that it could happen to us, but it happens every day. We are ALL at risk. LifeLock is absolutely one of the best investments I have made in 2012...

Save on LifeLock through the Holidays!
15% off plus 30 days free now through December 31st.

That will give you a free month to try it out for yourself, and membership at only $8.50/month. Trust me, it's WELL worth it. ;-)


identity theft prevention program

Should You Avoid PLR and Content Templates?

Jeff Herring recently shared an article titled
3 Reasons I Don't Use PLR Content (and
Why You Shouldn't Either - Ever)

Quite the controversial topic, for sure...

In fact, it raised my eyebrows when I saw it.

I actually DO use PLR, which is Private Label Rights content, and I use it fairly often.

I use content templates and article starters as well. I find them quite helpful in producing quality content on a consistent basis.

In the article, Jeff shares three very good reasons why he feels you should not use PLR. He feels it won't share your unique voice or perspective, that it's confusing to your readers if they find the same content elsewhere online, and that it's a dishonest way to communicate and/or build a relationship with your readers...

What is PLR?

Private Label Content comes in many different formats, including PLR reports, ebooks, articles, graphics, templates and even videos.

While licenses differ with each author and seller, the basic premise is that the license permits buyers to re-brand the content under their own name and brand (excluding copyright). In general practice this means that the product can be modified, sold, resold or repurposed in many different formats. -source

It's important to note that PLR licenses vary, and you should always read the documentation that comes with any PLR content you purchase.

How To Use PLR... Correctly!

Jeff makes some great points in his blog post, but as I mentioned above I do use PLR and other content products - such as templates and article starters. There's definitely an art to using it successfully, and avoiding the three concerns Jeff pointed out.

Of course, this is considering that you're doing personal branding with your online business, and communicating directly with your target audience as a Market Leader.

1. Any type of content help you use, including ghostwriters and PLR etc, should be edited by you personally before it's published to your blog or anywhere else online. Give it your personal "voice" and style, and make sure the message matches your "personal branding" and your overall objective.

2. Never use PLR, Article Starters or Content Templates as-is. Even with outlines, I always edit the title and the main points to be unique so that they aren't confused with anyone else's version.

3. Consider your objective with every piece of content you publish. Content alone isn't the key, it's what you do with that content - and how you use it to lead your readers into a specific decision (ie Call-to-Action).

While some people think Public Domain Content or Private Label Rights is the easy street to putting out mass amounts of content, those that are truly doing well with it are using it as a base for content ideas and product or content outlines.

Mainly for inspiration, and as a starting point.

Consider all the ways you can repurpose these types of content into different mediums. A single PLR article can make a great "script" to do an informational video, webinar or podcast.

PLR articles or reports can be broken down and used as an email autoresponder series. See: How to Use PLR in Your Email Marketing Plan

Multiple PLR articles on the same topic, from different sources, can be put together (and edited by you!) into an informative how-to report.

PLR Sources & Live Examples

My Favorite PLR & Content Sources include:

Here are live examples of content I've created with these sources, all of which are "unique content" and were personally edited by me and written in "my voice."

First, to show you HOW I use private label rights and other content sources, see this detailed post: PLR Article Rewrite Dissected & Exposed

Like I said, I find these tools incredibly helpful in coming up with content ideas and giving me an outline to create GREAT blog posts and articles! :D

Six live examples:

What it Takes to Become a Super Affiliate

When You Can’t Afford To Invest In Your Biz

Create One Site or Hundreds of Sites?

5 Reasons To Join A Paid Forum Or Group (My Guest Post)

Those four posts were written using Easy Article Starters by Peggy Baron. See my review of Easy Article Starters...

How to Stick to a Low Carb Diet (on my low carb blog)

5 Easy Topic Ideas For Your Next Blog Post!

Both of those posts were written using Jiffy Articles by Jonathan Leger. See my review of Jiffy Articles here...

I could show you many more examples from my 8+ years of blogging and content publishing, but honestly... I look back at my archives and have a hard time telling the difference between posts I wrote myself and posts that were inspired by PLR content! My readers can't tell either, which is how it should be. ;-)

How do YOU feel about PLR, Public Domain & Templates?

I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you use PLR Content, or other sources such as templates and article starters to help you come up with ideas or create web content? Why or why not? Leave a comment below!


p.s. If you still have questions, or need creative ideas for using all the great PLR on your hard drive, check out this PLR Q&A Guide which comes with a "cheat sheet" and Progress Report to help you make the most of your PLR purchases.

How To Become An Affiliate Niche Blogger

If you want to become an affiliate niche blogger, read through this Q&A inspired by an email I received over the weekend. That's exactly what I do for a living, and I hold nothing back in my answers...

I was reading a couple of posts on ClickNewz and you mentioned an affiliate niche example of a New Zealand travel site. Is this something you actually did? I don't want to steal this niche or any niche, but I was curious if I could look at your site or any of your sites as something that may spur some brainstorming or ideas. -CA

That would have been a really a fun project for me given how fascinated I am with New Zealand, but I didn't start an affiliate niche site on that topic. One of my more popular (and favorite) projects is a low carb blog.

You can read my thought process and set-up behind that site in this post:
Case Study: Niche Affiliate Site

People ask for examples a lot, and that's understandable. You want to see a live, working example of successful affiliate niche sites. That's one of the things I loved about Rosalind Gardner's Super Affiliate Handbook - she used her own sites as examples and case studies throughout the guide.

I still want to start an online business and have for some time but for some reason, I am faltering in figuring out what I want to do... -CA

This is THE most important piece to starting your online business. You definitely want to choose something you'll enjoy - a topic you get excited about, and won't mind talking about every single day. Being an entrepreneur take a lot of self-discipline, motivation and energy. If you choose the wrong niche, or the wrong business model, you'll find it more taxing on you than a traditional job. What you're really after is more flexibility, creative freedom, and a lifestyle you enjoy.

The big question you want to ask yourself is: How do I want to spend my time?

Start by reading these three posts:

Those three posts will give you a strong feel for what direction you should be going while brainstorming and deciding on your affiliate niche topic. Like I said, this is THE most important thing to consider when you're getting started!

Is online content the only model you do to get online business going? -CA

There are other options, but yes - I prefer the content model because it's free, it's easy, and it WORKS. Very well, I might add. :D Even if you have a product or service based business model, blogging is a great way to engage and interact with your target market - and turn them into loyal clients & customers.

Affiliate Niche Blogging is a great model in itself, though.

It's also an easy way for practically anyone to get started online.

Not only is it highly profitable, but you actually get to spend your time doing something you ENJOY. I love talking about low carb foods, the science behind the diet, creative meal ideas, etc. Not only do I get to blog about it, I also get to interact with other bloggers who are passionate about the topic as well. I'm serving a market (teaching and inspiring) while doing & discussing something I find FUN every day.

I get to try new brands, work with cool merchants, test & review products, etc - all things I would do anyway as a low carber, except I earn money doing it.

From my experience, "work" just doesn't get much better than that. ;-)

See: How Much Is YOUR Content Worth?
And: How to Make Money Blogging

There seems to be total saturation in all markets anymore, how the heck do you make a site do well with so much competition? -CA

Great question! Things have changed a lot over the years. I've been doing niche affiliate marketing full time for close to nine years now I think, but affiliate programs have been a part of my business since the beginning (almost 16 years ago).

Fortunately, all the recent changes have been very positive!

It used to be that you could build out niche affiliate sites using HTML or templates (static websites) and your only real way to reach your market was through SEO or paid advertising. Which was competitive enough even back then, 5-6 years ago.

There are many more options for reaching your market now, which give you a variety of ways to get free targeted web traffic.

You'll also find that people aren't as "competitive" now, and lean more toward working together than competing with each other. Affiliate Niche Bloggers are collaborating, guest blogging for each other, entering into joint ventures, sharing resources, and interacting publicly via Social Media channels even!

See: How To Use Social Media

Instead of worrying about competition, you want to look at how you can best leverage the "competition" - or the established market leaders in your niche.

While some people mistakenly assume that more bloggers, more online businesses and more affiliate marketers means more competition - or market saturation... the truth is it just means more opportunity! ;-)

See: Is Affiliate Marketing Too Competitive?
And: Are There ANY Good Niches Left??

I hope this answered your questions. If you have any others, feel free to leave a comment below and we'll let the discussion continue...


p.s. I can help you choose a niche that is right for *you*, select the perfect domain name, set up your online business, and take it all the way from start to profit.

If that interests you, see: I'm Ready To Get Serious About Making Money Online!

See the 12-12-12 One Day Only Deal for a serious savings on getting my hands-on help with your online business! ;-)

iNecklace: Perfect Gift for Geek Girls!

Love it! This one is definitely on my wishlist. ;-)

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 15 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...more»

Facebook Business Cards

Unique Business Stationary

You don't have to do ANY design work - it's all done for you. :D

Check out this page at Moo Cards.

At that link, click Business Cards, then select Facebook Cards to create cards from your Facebook Page timeline cover photo.

You can also create business cards and other fun things (holiday cards, stickers, etc) from your personal Facebook photos. Tons of cool options & ideas!

Definitely check it out...

Click Here & Have Some Fun With It! ;-)

Very cool service. Love it!

I’m Blogging With John Chow – Are You?

BloggingI'm studying Blogging with John Chow at the moment, which is a brand new course that just came out this week. Initially, more out of curiosity than anything. This man is a total machine when it comes to making a killing with blogs.

If you're not familiar with John Chow (you've been hiding under a rock??) he is a highly successful Professional Blogger, a Super Affiliate, he dominates multiple sales Leaderboards - and he obviously does insanely well with his blog.

Here's a harsh confession: I don't actually like John Chow as a person. And to be fair, I don't know him that well. I made an effort to introduce myself when I ran into him at an event, but offline and online both - I find him to be a bit arrogant and abrasive. Just my personal opinion. ;-) Still, I'm studying his newly-released blueprint...

I'm actually studying it on my iPad, which you can see is open next to my laptop here on my desk. That makes it easy to flip through to the topics I'm most interested in right now, while I'm working on them, or grab my iPad and study on the go:

Personality conflicts aside, the man obviously knows what he's doing.

Setting up a blog is easy. Getting the amount of traffic, the number of subscribers, and reaching the income level that John has with his own blog... well, wouldn't we ALL like to know exactly what he's doing and how!

Why Did I Order It?

Because it's super cheap at only $37, and I know from experience that a single tip or resource will add zeros to that number in terms of ROI (return on investment).

It's a no-brainer at that price to "pick the brain" of another successful blogger.

And of course because I knew it would be crossing your screen, and I wanted to give it a proper review and let you know whether it's truly worth your time...

What Do I Think Of It?

First, I really like the way it's organized and formatted. It makes it very easy to go through each module in order, from start to finish, or to skip around to topics that interest you most - depending on where you are with your own blog, or what you're focusing on at the moment. I can also log in from anywhere (on any device) and the videos included in some of the modules play on my iPad - which is nice.

Here's a screen shot from inside my account. The modules are organized across the top of the page, but also outlined down the right side - which makes it very easy to browse through topics of interest:

Not only do you get an exclusive inside look at the success of John Chow and his blog, it's also full of creative ideas and practical advice. I jumped straight to the sections on Advertising and Linking Strategies because I was particularly interested in his strategies on those two topics.

Some of the sections are not in-depth enough for my taste, but overall it was a great investment. Like I said above, the ROI on just one resource or idea is ridiculous. And I certainly got that out of it, just on my first browse through the course!

A really cool feature is the 30 Day Action Plan. Interestingly, it doesn't let you jump ahead past week one, LOL. The next week's planner becomes available your second week. It's laid out very nicely though. It gives you a goal for the day, why you should do it, and a very detailed list of tasks to do.

This is a very nice Simple Checklist for someone just starting out, and a great module to walk through to make sure you have everything covered if you already have a blog. Definitely my favorite feature - I love checklists. :D

I'm constantly watching and learning from the top bloggers, across a variety of niches. And John Chow is one of those at the top...

Click Here to Watch the Video & Get Details

At only $37 it's definitely worth adding to your e-library.

According to the sales page (screen shot snagged below) it won't be this price for long, so you'll want to sign up quick while it's still cheap...


p.s. I'd love to hear what YOU think of it, or what your biggest take-away was after you've had a chance to browse through the training modules...

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