Kathleen Gage just released a brand new 3-part video series titled The Fastest Route to a Profitable Business that you can access for FREE at that link for a limited time.
What to expect in this series:
• Identify your expertise, market and message
• The easiest way to package your knowledge
• Insights on how to gain lots of visibility FAST!
(Note: these videos will only be available for a limited time, so watch them while you can.)
You won’t find a bunch of fluff in this video series. Each video is short and to the point. Kathleen gets right to the heart of what you need to know to set yourself up for success.
Click Here For The Free Videos
Realizing how much information overload we all go through, Kathleen put together this quick video series where she shows you exactly what you need to do to get your business off the ground and profitable FAST.
There's something else you'll want to check out, too (also free)...
Kathleen is leading up to the launch of her newest book, Power Up For Profits. You can click here for a free chapter to check it out. (And by the way, she's giving away a $1,000 marketing strategy package of coaching sessions to one lucky person who requests her free chapter.)
In addition to the free how-to videos, her 5 Minutes to Success Strategies series is also free for a limited time. Kathleen interviewed 36 different experts on their best success strategy in this series. Download the MP3's free while you can and add them to your favorite program or device.
As I mentioned, Kathleen is giving away this highly valuable free content while leading up to the launch of her new book, which will be available on Amazon/Kindle soon. There's no "big ticket info product launch" in the works here, but she's is going all out to make sure her new book gets into the hands of as many ideal readers (people who need it the most) as humanly possible.
Kathleen Gage is a serious go-getter, so it's worth checking out both her free content AND her marketing method. You'll learn a lot by paying close attention!
You'll notice that I used referral links to Kathleen's site. Of course the content is completely free, so there is nothing for you to pay and no commission for me to earn. This is part of Kathleen's overall marketing strategy, to get affiliates and partners on board to help her spread the word about her new book. Of course, if you decide to invest in something with Kathleen down the line, I may earn a percentage for referring you to her. (Another point to note for your own business.)
The truth is, I would have shared this with you anyway. I'm always on the lookout for high-quality free content that can make a REAL difference in your online business, and help you get a step ahead. And I like Kathleen. Unlike some "sketchy marketers" she is living proof that her methods work, as she is actively using them in her own business - which you can plainly see just by watching her in action.
As a side note, Kathleen's new book is specifically for women, that's her target market for this title. However, this free content (and even the book) is highly valuable for ANYone. I rarely ever recommend - or even read - anything gender-specific, but I am planning to read this one.
Kathleen inspires me. Not only have I had the opportunity to get to know her in person and call her a friend, she's someone I greatly admire as a business peer. In the years I've known her, I've watched her grow her business very strategically - and very successfully, using the same methods she teaches.
I'll be sharing my own insights with you from the audios & videos, and from the book, in coming posts. But for now, follow these links and take advantage of this free content from experts that are enjoying a highly successful online business:
- The Fastest Route to a Profitable Business (Free Video Series)
- 5 Minutes to Success (Free "Expert Strategies" MP3's)
- Power Up For Profits (Free Chapter)
p.s. In case you missed it above, Kathleen is giving away a $1,000 marketing strategy package of coaching sessions to one lucky person who requests her free chapter!