It's after midnight, and I'm sitting on my back deck enjoying a cool quiet evening.. and reading "The Insider's Battle Plan to Winning The Affiliate War (and Killing Zombies)."
This is a brand new Affiliate Survival Guide that was just released a few days ago. It's making a huge splash AND it's under $10, so I decided to read it - crazy Zombie theme and all. Talk about "infotainment" lol. This guide is definitely FUN!
I LOVED it. It took me about an hour to read (only because I was taking notes and jotting down ideas along the way) and it was worth every single minute.
By the time I got to Page 33 I was nodding along, and knew I had to share this with you. This is exactly what I would teach, as a Super Affiliate myself, minus the Zombie references - which I never (ever) would have thought of! lol...
The Affiliate Survival Guide: The insider’s battle plan to winning the affiliate war (and killing zombies). This is the World’s only guide to achieving Super-Affiliate status generating eye-popping commission checks and killing Zombies with a single blow!
Part One of the Affiliate Survival Guide is great for "newbies". You’ll get a checklist and planning sheets which simplify the entire process.
(Be sure to print these off and put them to work immediately.)
Part Two is all about "Power Strategies" that could turn you into a six‐figure affiliate marketer. This is where it gets REALLY good!
You won't find a bunch of fluff or theory in this guide. These are the exact strategies that two super affiliates use themselves - that work. They give you the actual steps (in the detail you need), along with suggested resources, so that all you really have to do is follow along and copy the process.
If You're Looking For a Step-by-Step Blueprint, This Is It.
If you've tried Affiliate Marketing and you're frustrated, you'll get a lot out of this brand new guide. In less than an hour you'll discover how to become a better affiliate marketer, increase your commissions, show up on (more) launch leaderboards, and best of all - have fun doing it!
I heard about this guide when it was released because I've been following these guys for awhile. I can tell you firsthand that they practice what they teach.
Simon & Jeremy know how affiliate marketing works, and they're consistently on the top of the leader boards in almost any affiliate contest that they enter.
Click Here To See What's Covered
Even if you are brand new to the idea of affiliate marketing, you’ll find this guide easy to read and follow, and implement. If you’re already an affiliate, you'll appreciate this "advanced blueprint" and the very specific strategies you can put into play immediately.
They could have easily done a "guru launch" with this guide, but they kept the price point low to remove all barriers of entry - at any level. This is the guide they wrote to help their own affiliates perform well, by the way...
Grab your copy, USE the checklist & planning sheets, and start earning more money as an affiliate... this month. Period.
Click Here To Download While It's Still Only $9.95
The zombie theme was interesting! I have to admit it seemed a little "over the top" when I first checked out the guide, but I knew the authors well enough to download it anyway. I'm glad I did! I didn't expect much for less than 10 bucks. I was wrong.
Not only is it a solid blueprint for Affiliate Marketing, it was sprinkled with enough "zombie humor" to make it a FUN read. This is definitely not your typical dry boring blah blah blah how-to guide... It's GOOD.
The discount will end soon though so grab a copy, read it over a cup of coffee, and start earning more by taking action on what you discover.
p.s. Even if you’ve been in affiliate marketing for years, I’m pretty sure you’ll pick up some valuable tips & tricks in this one. (I did!) They didn’t make $317,734.89 in commissions on one network alone last year without a solid strategy...