Free Video Series: Increase Website Traffic

I don't usually watch many training videos online (I prefer reading), but I just started watching the new series from High Traffic Academy by Vick Strizheus and I'm really enjoying it so far.

You may not have heard of Vick before. He's been one of those "underground marketers" for the last 7 years, figuring things out and perfecting his strategy.

He talks about his start-up in the first video, which I think most of you can relate to. The videos are very well done, so it's very entertaining and fun to watch. But not being familiar with Vick either, I really felt like I got to know him. He is very real, down to earth, and conversational. So far I really like his personality and his style...

All you have to do is sign up on this page and it will take you straight to the first video. There aren't multiple (annoying) splash pages to click through or anything like that.

You'll also get an email confirmation with the link to the video page so you can go back to it anytime - and it explains exactly what you'll learn in the first video:

"...a video series I made for you where I pull back the curtain and show you exactly how I get over 100,000 visitors a DAY to any website, anytime I want... "

=> Proof that getting over 364K visitors a day is possible
=> The "3-Pillars of Good Traffic" no-one really teaches
=> How I get my traffic and why I get it there
=> The best traffic strategy EVER
=> Unedited, real-time proof of traffic, conversions and $$
=> Plus other cool stuff too!

The only thing that bothered me is I had no idea how long the video was (it doesn't give you a status bar at the bottom). You can pause it though, thank goodness. :)

The first video is around 40 minutes, just so you know going in. Like I said earlier, I don't usually watch long training videos. But Vick really had my attention from the start. And it ended up being worth it.

Not only did I *enjoy* the video, but I walked away seriously inspired...

"When I figured out traffic generation... everything changed for me."

Vick showed real-time stats in the video, going back 60 days even. Not just screenshots, and his method is obviously not a one-time shot kind of success. He also logged in live to show stats from last year (2011) as well. He calls what he's doing "the roll-out method" which he teaches in the third video in the series.

"the beauty of this method is that you can get targeted traffic any time you want, virtually on demand."

His ClickBank stats alone, which he showed live, were over $400k last year.

His method relies on paid traffic, and he goes into great detail about why he chose that method and why it works so well for him. With proof, of course!

What he's teaching is not a flash in the pan "trend" but a traffic strategy that is dependable, consistent and scalable.

Since the method uses Paid Traffic you can do this without a website or a list, simply by promoting ClickBank products, CPA offers, etc.

In the first video, he closes by taking you to ClickBank - and starts with setting up an account if you don't already have one. Next he shows you how to look for products to promote - which you can do without a list, without a website or blog, using Vick's "formula" - which is a process he's created and perfected for himself over the years.

He says that following his formula, it's almost guaranteed to be profitable every single time. The second video is a "workshop" all about picking a product and "creating cash out of thin air."

After watching the first video, I'm anxious to see the next one - where he really digs in to the "how to" behind his method. I'm guessing the end result is to invite you to join his High Traffic Academy, which is not even open to the public yet. But the videos so far are WELL worth watching.

I have to admit, the first half of the first video was VERY inspiring. ;-)

I like that he doesn't just tell you what to do - he shows you, in detail. I'm going to follow along with the free video series which is meant to teach you exactly how and where he gets his traffic - and how he converts that traffic into sales.

If you would like to follow along as well, click the image ^ above and get registered. It's been years since I've dabbled in paid traffic sources, but after watching the first video... I'm getting ready to dig back in and give it another go. ;-)


This post was sponsored by High Traffic Academy.

Keeping A Swipe File

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 15 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...more»

Top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week

Hi bombom!
Here are the top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week.
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                                            Amazing Resort

Is not actually 20,000 leagues but it is 400 feet at the bottom of a beautiful lagoon in Fiji. The price tag per person will run about $15,000 per week.  The package includes private plane transport, 2 nights under the sea, 4 nights beach side and the use of the resorts 2 submarines
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*Best Coffee Table Ever - Han Solo in Carbonite*

Although explaining it to non star wars fans (like I am sure will appear in the comments) might be interesting... I would totally have this in my games room.

Or you could just get the smaller Ice Cube tray version instead...

#starwars #geekfunny
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The NFL and the referees have reached an agreement:
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Don't want occasional updates about Google+ activity and friend suggestions? Change what email Google+ sends you.Google+ team

Public Domain Blueprint Review: Is It For You?

Note: You can currently get Public Domain Blueprint, and ALL of the bonuses, for only $97 using our exclusive discount link. Enjoy! ;-)

I was recently turned on to the idea of Public Domain content (again) during a conversation with my friend, Trish Lindemood. She'd studied Tony Laidig's Public Domain Blueprint and came away with some amazing product ideas!

As she was sharing them with me, light bulbs were going off in my own head. So I checked out Tony's course myself.

I also snagged him for a solid hour of live training earlier this week, which was very enlightening! If you missed that, be sure to see the free webinar replay. Good stuff! But even if you attended live or watched the replay, you may still be wondering if Public Domain Blueprint is for you...

What is Public Domain Content - and Why Should You Care?

Public Domain content is any published material, such as books, magazines, images, videos, and even patents, which no longer fall under copyright protection.

This means that you are free to use these materials however you choose - and there are countless ways you can put a fresh spin on this proven, previously published content - with a lot less effort than if you started from scratch.

One of the biggest challenges with creating a sustainable online business is the need to produce an unending stream of high-quality content and products that provide real value to your audience. Even the most inspired online entrepreneurs will eventually find themselves staring at a blank screen at one point or another.

Fortunately, there is a vast and largely untapped wealth of incredible material out there that is just waiting for someone - like you! - to breathe fresh, new life into it.

But There's a Catch...

Of course, you can't just go out and randomly grab any old content you find and assume its free for you to use. In fact, you can get into a lot of trouble that way!

Instead, you need to know how to determine whether or not a work falls in the Public Domain first and given the sheer volume of previously published material out there, that task can be a little intimidating, to say the least.

Fortunately, Tony Laidig's Public Domain Blueprint offers a complete road map for not only how to find useable Public Domain content, but also offers a wealth of suggestions on how to harvest that material and put it to profitable use.

I had a chance to dig into the Public Domain Blueprint course, and was really impressed with the wealth of material it contains. Like all of Tony's training materials, the Public Domain Blueprint is very thorough, very in-depth... and very inspiring.

As you progress through the training, it is impossible NOT to come up with a ton of great ideas of how you could create money-generating products or site content with this material. In fact, the biggest challenge may be narrowing all that material down to just that ONE thing you are going to focus on from start to finish to get it out there.

Tony is a very thorough hands-on teacher who is there with you every step of the way. He walks you through the entire process from how to select a niche and conduct copyright research to putting it to use in your business.

The 8 Module Video Training Series includes:

  • Public Domain Introduction and Course Overview
  • Public Domain Books
  • Public Domain Magazines
  • Public Domain Images
  • Public Domain Patents
  • Public Domain Government
  • Public Domain Audio
  • Public Domain Videos

While it is primarily described as a video training series, the material is presented in a variety of formats to suit your preferences.

Along with the in-depth video instruction, you'll also receive full transcripts for each video, plus PDFs of the slides used in each video. It is all VERY well organized.

A number of valuable bonuses related to each module, such as a master list of Public Domain magazines, are also included. That, and the professional Kindle Cover templates are two of my personal favorites!

You'll also get access to a Private Facebook Group where you'll get ongoing help, and can interact with & learn from others who are actively working with the course.

Who Public Domain Blueprint Is For: those in evergreen niches who want to get a jump on product creation or who simply want to add quality content to their blogs or websites on an ongoing basis. Just a few examples Tony uses include: photography, dog training, cooking/recipes and vegetable gardening.

Who Public Domain Blueprint Is NOT For: technology or other here-and-now markets. By nature, Public Domain content works best in evergreen niches, so if you write about the best iPhone apps, this isn't the best fit for you.

Check it out for yourself: Public Domain Blueprint

The depth of training and resources you get with this course are absolutely amazing! Especially for the price - with our exclusive discount this week. ;-)


Note: our exclusive special discount on Public Domain Blueprint ends on Monday October 1st. Grab it cheap while you can!

Free Training: Brilliant Kindle Book Ideas!

Tony Laidig is well known for his creative strategies with Public Domain Content, and his approach with Public Domain magazines is no exception. According to Tony they are an AMAZING source of content for Kindle books, blog posts, info products, etc.

On Monday, September 24th Tony gave us an hour+ presentation explaining exactly how he finds these magazines that are outside of copyright, and walked us through a live example of how he uses them to create content and products.

It was quite enlightening, to say the least. I walked away with TONS of ideas!

Click Here to Watch The Free Replay

In the replay he will take you through the process of how he finds the magazines, checks copyright, scans them, creates books from them, and more. You'll be amazed at how simple it is! Yet hardly anyone else is tapping into this nearly limitless content available to us from magazines in the Public Domain.

Expect to learn:

  • Why magazines may be the best source for Kindle Book content on the planet
  • The best online sources for magazine content
  • Verifying a magazine’s copyright status
  • The best strategies for turning magazine content into Kindle and Print books
  • ...and much more!

Few people realize there are literally millions of pages worth of great content waiting to be used, found in old magazines whose copyrights have expired. Tony reveals the secrets to identifying and finding these magazines in the Public Domain and how to use the content to create your next bestselling Kindle book or info product.

By the way, almost NO ONE is using these strategies to publish on Amazon so there is a huge opportunity there for you...

Click Here to Watch The Free Replay



p.s. Tony also offered us an exclusive - and very generous! - special offer on his Public Domain Blueprint product. You'll hear more about it toward the end of the webinar replay, but it's an amazing deal! Most of the bonuses alone are worth the price of the entire course. Especially with our special rate. But check it out right away, as this special offer is only good until Monday October 1st. ;-)

Pemberitahuan email dari Alat Webmaster Google

Pengguna Alat Webmaster yth.,
Kami paham bahwa memiliki situs web yang sehat dan berkinerja baik sangatlah penting bagi Anda. Agar Anda tetap mengetahui status situs, sekarang Alat Webmaster akan mengirimkan email pemberitahuan secara otomatis jika kami mendeteksi adanya masalah kritis atau penting dalam situs Anda.
Kami hanya akan mengirimkan email kepada Anda jika terdapat masalah yang mungkin berdampak penting terhadap kesehatan atau kinerja penelusuran situs, dengan tindakan jelas untuk mengatasinya. Misalnya, kami akan mengirimkan email kepada Anda jika kami mendeteksi adanya perangkat lunak berbahaya dalam situs, atau melihat peningkatan signifikan jumlah kesalahan saat merayapi situs.
Untuk sebagian besar situs, masalah seperti ini jarang terjadi. Jika situs Anda ternyata memang mengalami masalah, kami membatasi jumlah email yang kami kirimkan dalam periode waktu tertentu agar kotak masuk Anda tidak penuh.
Jika Anda tidak ingin menerima email apa pun dari Alat Webmaster, Anda dapat mengubah preferensi pengiriman email di
Kami harap perubahan ini bermanfaat agar Anda dapat terus mengetahui masalah kritis dan penting yang terkait dengan kesehatan situs Anda.
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Tim Alat Webmaster

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Win a Laptop Installed With Bitdefender Total Security 2013: Top Ranked Antivirus Technology

This post brought to you by Bitdefender. All opinions are 100% mine.


BitDefender Total Security is ranked #1 in Antivirus software and has earned both CNET Editor's Choice and PCMag Editor's Choice. For 2013, they've taken privacy and security to new levels...

BitDefender’s line of 2013 security solutions offer more advanced safeguards and rich features, including parental controls, online backup, and even social networking protection. It's top of the line, but also very user friendly, and proactively protects you from viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and phishing attacks.

You can currently enter to win a Dell Inspiron Laptop pre-installed with BitDefender! Click Here for details...

Network safety is more important now than it has ever been. In the last year alone, I have experienced more issues with spyware and hackers and security threats, than in the entire 15+ years I have been online!

I can tell you firsthand that not being protected, or not being FULLY protected, is taking a huge risk. Not just with your online business (as some of you have seen with mine) but also with your personal data.

BitDefender's 2013 version has an increased focus on Safebox, Device Anti-Theft, and Parental Control. And also on secure and convenient management of your services with the new MyBitdefender.

The improved user-friendly dashboard allows you to view and even control installed applications and mobile devices:

Anti Malware Software - Bitdefender Total Security 2013

Some of the newer features of BitDefender Total Security 2013 include:

BitDefender Safepay

BitDefender Safepay™ is a notable new feature. It's a proprietary secure browser that keeps your online transactions and home banking apps safe from tampering attempts. Considering how many online purchases I make, and that I've had my debit card compromised already in the past (to the tune of over $8,000 before I caught it!), this feature is of particular interest to me.

BitDefender Autopilot

This is a feature you'll love! Most anti-virus and computer protection software is so insanely annoying that you'd almost rather be at risk than deal with the constant pop-ups and interruptions. BitDefender runs on autopilot, and operates on its own, without all of those hassles - so you can actually enjoy your time on the computer and still feel safe.

Bitdefender Anti-Theft

Did you know that BitDefender can also track lost or stolen devices? Very cool feature! Particuarly for those of us that like to work mobile. ;-)

Social Media Network Protection

BitDefender also filters the links on your social media channels, like Facebook and Twitter, and monitors your privacy settings on social networks as well. Given the popularity of social sites (and how much we use them!) this is a particularly nice feature. Especially given how the privacy settings on some of those sites are constantly changing on us...

Parental Control Options

Not only will BitDefender block inappropriate content, it also has the ability to restrict web access altogether during certain hours of the day. And it will allow you to remotely monitor online activity - so you can see what your children are viewing and which websites they are visiting, and their activity on those pages... yes, even on Facebook!

You can get Bitdefender Total Security 2013 online to protect your computer, your personal data, your children, and your online business at: Bitdefender Total Security.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below and share your favorite feature of BitDefender. Given your past experience with anti-virus and computer protection software, what do you think you would enjoy most about BitDefender?


p.s. Good luck in the contest to win a Dell Inspiron Laptop installed with Bitdefender Total Security 2013! :D

Visit Sponsor's Site

Creative Strategies for Public Domain Content – Free Webinar Monday September 24th

People in my circle rave about Tony Laidig, and his creative strategies with Public Domain Content.

Unfortunately I have missed his sessions at the NAMS events where we have both taught in the past, usually because I was teaching at the same time. So I decided to get with him and secure an hour or so for us to "pick his brain" on Monday. :D

The live webinar will be on Monday September 24th at Noon Eastern, so you'll want to get registered right away:

Learn How to Easily Create Kindle Books & Info Products Using Free Public Domain Magazine Content!

Simply click the link above to register for the FREE live webinar, and to receive the recording as well. Or, read on to find out more about this little known strategy...

In this free content-rich training webinar, Tony Laidig will reveal a powerful content to tap into a massive, virtually unknown source for proven quality content.

Few people realize there are literally millions of pages worth of great content waiting to be used, found in old magazines whose copyrights have expired. Tony will reveal the secrets to identifying and finding these magazines in the Public Domain and how to use the content to create your next bestselling Kindle book or info product.

If you’ve been struggling with content for your Kindle books, here is a FREE training session that shows you where to find quality, proven content from magazines, how to check their copyright status and a lot more! It's some of Tony’s best training on the topic and you'll definitely want to check it out:

Join us for an exclusive free webinar!

By the way...almost NO ONE is using these strategies to publish on Amazon so there is a huge opportunity there for you. ;-)

In this free webinar, we will dig into the secrets and benefits of the proven, nearly limitless content available to us from magazines in the Public Domain.

Expect to learn:

  • Why magazines may be the best source for Kindle Book content on the planet
  • The best online sources for magazine content
  • Verifying a magazine’s copyright status
  • The best strategies for turning magazine content into Kindle and Print books
  • ...and much more!

Click Here to Register for the Free Training Webinar

Tony is well known for his creative strategies with Public Domain Content, and his approach with public domain magazines is no exception. According to Tony they are an AMAZING source of content for Kindle books, blog posts, info products, etc.

He is going to take us through the process of how he finds the magazines, checks copyright, scans them, creates books from them, and more. Plan to join us so you can tap in to some of his creative insights. See you there! ;-)


p.s. The free webinar will be on Monday September 24th at Noon Eastern. Register today to attend live (or get access to the replay) so you don't miss out!

Selling Online: Do You Avoid Making The Pitch?

Do you hate selling online? Some people have a negative feeling about it, and really dislike 'pitching' a product or mailing their list with a special offer.

Perhaps you don't like sales, period. Sure, you would like to make sales! But maybe you compare any type of selling to a smarmy, pushy used car salesman.

Nobody wants to be that person! :P

Let's turn the tables for a moment, though. You buy products online, right? Sure you do! So you have at least some experience from both sides of this fence...

Imagine for a moment that you log on to and there were NO order buttons. How frustrating would that be? Or maybe there IS an order button, but they give you no clue at all about which accessories or related items you might need to accompany your order. It would totally ruin the Amazon experience we all love!

Amazon obviously ENJOYS selling online, and they do it well. As an example, if you're in the market for a new digital camera they will tell you what's new, what's hot, what's on sale - basically everything you need to know to make a SMART purchase:

What if Wal-Mart avoided "selling" their products?

Imagine walking through unorganized aisles and finding that none of their products had prices on them. And to top it off, there are no checkout lanes to be found! How much effort would you put into trying to make a purchase there, when you could just go over to another store where things are made EASY for you? Right.

Selling online is all about creating a good customer experience.

Imagine reading a great how-to article that gets you pumped up and inspired, ready to tackle the project, and the author just ends the article - leaving you to do all the research yourself for which products to use and where to get them online.

That's just rude! They're the expert. They should tell you exactly what you need AND recommend the best place to get it. Don't you agree?

Consider your own research and buying experiences when you're working on your online business. Who do you buy from, and why? Weave those best experiences into your own content, product pages and sales copy!

NOT selling is a major disservice to your visitors.

You're in business to make money. Embrace that fact, and do not apologize for it.

The fact is, people come online to do product research and to BUY products. This is obvious if you do any keyword research at all.

So don't be afraid to SELL to them. And definitely don't make it difficult for your visitors to buy. That's just downright frustrating!

Would you rather be known for presenting a great product, or for annoying and frustrating your website visitors? The answer should be obvious. ;-)

Next, Read: Apology Marketing is KILLING Your Sales!


Ucoz: How To Create A Free Website

If you're looking for ways to create a free website, may be your solution.

Their Website Builder packages include hosting, with unlimited traffic and disk space, and they also give you a top level domain name free.

While I personally use and prefer WordPress to create my websites (not just my blogs), there are thousands of people every day searching for free website hosting or how to create a free website...

The downside to this free website host is that they run ads on the free accounts. If you don't mind the ads on your site, the free account should suit you fine. You can upgrade to an ad-free website for as little as $3.09 per month.

Note: The ads I've seen running on Ucoz sites I have viewed so far are text links in the footer. Not flashing banner ads, or anything.

They offer 250 templates to help you create your website. They also have a number of modules and widgets to help you set up things like a store, blog, polls, forum, portal, and more. Of course, you can also customize the template - or even design your own website template using their Visual and HTML editors.

Here is an example of a website I found on Ucoz at

Something like this is fine for a personal project or a hobby website, but you'll definitely want to upgrade to a paid option if you plan to create an online business or high-traffic website of any kind.

One interesting thing to note is that they automatically block new sites from being indexed in the major search engines for the first 30 days. This is to prevent abuse or spamming of the Ucoz system, and also gives you an opportunity to create your website and populate it with quality content before it gets indexed.


This post was sponsored by Ucoz

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