Orlando: Internet Marketing Event in September

james malinchakHeads up! The Marketing Mayhem Event has just been announced, and it looks to be a HOT SPOT for Internet Marketers.

The live event will be held in Orlando, Florida in September 2013, and tickets are only $197.

"Some of the biggest names in Internet marketing, along with hundreds of potential JV partners will be gathering in September for this event.

This is the kind of thing that will take your business to the next level!"

Click Here for Event Details

Here are just a few of the names you can expect to see there:

Brad Gosse, E Brian Rose, Jeremy "Shoemoney" Schoemaker, Mike Filsaime, Ron Douglas, John Lawson, Bryan Zimmerman, James Malinchak, Mario Brown, Ben Adkins, Anthony Aires, Tim Castleman - plus lots more.

In addition to the Internet Marketing training sessions, where they'll be sharing what they're doing and what's working for them online, there will also be:

- Speed Networking Exercises
- Marketers Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
- Open Bar Networking Parties

(And they are bringing in COOLIO to perform live at one of the parties!)

If you're in or near the Orlando area, or you're looking for a great event to attend this year, this is definitely one to consider. ;-)

Check Out The Line-Up

Orlando, internet marketing mayhem event

Which events have you attended so far this year, and what's on your radar to attend next? I would love to hear your thoughts on this upcoming Orlando Internet Marketing Event as well. Are you planning to be there?


Q3 Challenge: Download The Free Report!

The 100 Day Challenge is going to open up again for the third quarter. If you missed getting in on this before, now is your chance. ;-)

(Registration will be open July 1st through July 10th only.)

At the very least, get on the notification list and download the free report. That alone will provide you with serious fuel to kick off the third quarter!

You will learn tons in the video series leading up to the Challenge as well. The topics covered in each of the short videos will inspire and motivate you, and get you EXCITED about what you can achieve in the second half of this year...

We Are Halfway Through The Year Already...

I don't know where you are with your business or your personal goals for the year, but I will admit that I am not at all where I had hoped to be by now. We're halfway through the year already yes, but I'm ready to kick things into HIGH gear!

I originally participated in the 100 Day Challenge at the beginning of the year, somewhere between having the flu and unexpected surgery. Talk about getting sidetracked and ultimately derailed, lol! Still, I picked up some valuable tips from the challenge, things I could apply easily and immediately, and those things really stuck with me.

Here's a quick excerpt from the report you'll download when you get on the notification list, that I wanted to share with you:

The importance of how you execute the third quarter cannot be overstated. If you or your team has underperformed than you MUST do everything in your power to right the ship, refocus priorities, and commit to driving massive results.

Compelling reasons why you want a strong third quarter:

1 Fixed Deadline – The best part about a fixed, 100 day deadline is the clarity it brings to your daily actions. Knowing that the clock is ticking is one of the best motivators for taking massive action.

2 Chance for Redemption – If you finished the first half of the year below target, then you must consider the third quarter as a now-or-never opportunity to redeem yourself and your future.

3 Set an Inspiring Example – Your performance can be seen as the sad consequence of neglect, poor character, lack of direction and ambition, or it can be an inspiring example of talent put to good use.

4 Build Momentum – Building and sustaining momentum is one of the smartest things you can do during the third quarter as it provides a powerful platform for finishing the year strong.

5 Intensify Focus – Knowing that both options and time are diminishing assets, your ability to focus on high pay-off activities becomes a priority for securing strong third quarter results.

6 Reveal Character – Your ability to drive results and achieve goals is ultimately all about character. It’s about turning a flashlight to your soul to inspect yourself for will, courage, and conviction.

I know firsthand how hard it can be to stay on track with your goals. Not only is it incredibly challenging to break old habits and create new ones, but life can really throw you some curveballs to boot.

I've certainly had my share. But I'm living proof that you CAN achieve anything you want in life, even in the worst of circumstances. ;-)

This past year hasn't been my best. Most of you have followed along as I've dealt with one thing after the other. It's nothing short of frustrating when you're right in the thick of it, as I'm sure you know from experience yourself. That said, in hindsight, I can say that some of my biggest life challenges over the years... were exactly what pushed me to succeed and/or lead me to where I am today.

But I didn't get through any of it alone. Or achieve my biggest goals without help & resources. And the 100 Day Challenge is one of those awesome resources that can really jump-start you to the next level!

By the end of this month, just days from now, 2013 will be 50% complete. How are you going to make the second half of the year really COUNT? Take some time today to analyze what you've accomplished (or not), and what you really want to MAKE happen before this year ends.

Then go download the free report and take advantage of the resources and videos that will give you a fresh dose of serious inspiration and motivation! :D

It's not too late to achieve ALL of your goals for the year...


p.s. There's nothing worse than being disappointed in yourself, or not achieving your goals - knowing you could have, if you'd only taken the right steps to make it happen.

Don't kick yourself later for not taking advantage of this amazing opportunity now.

The free resources will be available until July 1st, and Challenge Registration will be open until July 10th.

* I have participated in the challenge myself, and I am also an affiliate. By using my referral link you will be supporting ClickNewz and the ongoing free tutorials and resources shared here. Thank you for that!

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7 Ways To Create Engaging Content

How to Use PLR to Create Engaging ContentDo you ever get jealous of bloggers who create a never-ending stream of content? You know the ones I mean. Marketers who seem to effortlessly pump out content as if they can just wave their hands and out comes another blog post, webinar, podcast, or even an entire infoproduct….like magic.

Every marketer faces the challenge of producing enough content to engage their market, maintain their attention, and keep them primed with information. Take a look at these results from the Content Marketing Institute’s survey of B2B marketers from 2012:

Producing enough content is now the biggest challenge across B2B marketers, at 64 percent, as compared to producing the kind of content that engages, which was the top challenge reported in last year’s study.

While there certainly are marketers who are content machines, most of us need a little helping hand sometimes.

That’s where Private Label Rights content comes in.

Private Label Rights, or PLR for short, is content that is already created for you. It’s not exclusive, since it’s sold to others as well, but you can do whatever you want with it. Edit, cut up, rewrite, reorganize, mix and match, add to, or even leave it as-is.

In the right hands, PLR can be a powerful tool for creating unique, engaging content.

The trick is to think beyond the typical written word. Think beyond the traditional article, blog post, or email. PLR is the clay you’ll use to mold your own unique content artwork.

The word to focus on here is “quality”. And I don’t just mean something that was written by a native English speaker and uses proper grammar. A top-notch PLR product is also well-researched, interesting to read, informative, and preferably nicely formatted as well.

Now you have your raw material to work with.

You can start with a simple reorganization and rewrite of the article. That will give you a base to work from. Lynn gave a terrific step-by-step demo of how she rewrote a PLR article to be completely unique in her post PLR Article Rewrite Dissected and Exposed

Now let’s take it to the next step and start repurposing your content. Here are just 7 of the ways you can use that single article to create something valuable for your readers.

People love any type of tool that will make their lives easier, save them time, or help them put an idea into action. Any PLR you buy that has a learning or step-by-step aspect is going to be perfect for creating accompanying tools.

1. Worksheets

Worksheets give people a place to write down notes, answer questions, create categorized to-do’s, or just organize their thoughts on a specific topic. People read what you’ve written and then use the worksheet to decide what they’ll do with the content they’ve just consumed. The worksheets help them “process” that content and formulate an implementation plan.


Try taking an article that already has “steps” involved or is a “how to”. For example, Lynn’s article on How to Write a Product Review has 7 elements that can easily be broken down into a 7-part worksheet for crafting your product review.

Write each one of those steps as a one sentence instruction or question in a new document - Step 1: Will you use images and/or video? Where will you get them from?, Step 2: Write the detailed features and benefits of the product below, Step 3: Who is the target market?, etc. You can even break up each section into sub-steps if there’s a lot of detailed involved, like in Lynn’s article.

Then just add space under each step for people to write in their answers.

You can watch a brief tutorial where I walked through the live process of creating a worksheet over on my site at Repurposing PLR: How to Create Worksheets from PLR Articles. Here’s the worksheet that I created:

Pro Tip: Give people a brief example of an answer relevant to your market. Then leave plenty of space for their own answers.

2. Checklists

Checklists are a great complement to any article that contains guidelines, tips, criteria and best practices. It’s also helpful for people who need to follow a very specific process where all steps need to be covered.


If you have an article on how to set up a blog, you can create a checklist that gives people a list of all the steps along with little checkboxes to tick off after they’ve completed each one. They can even give that to an assistant to make sure that person is completing all the necessary steps, so you can be assured it’s done right.

If we take the example of Lynn’s article on writing a product review, that could easily be repurposed into a checklist of all the elements you need to include in your review. Then your reader can print out and put that checklist next to them as they write their review, checking off each box as they go.

Here’s what that checklist might look like:

Pro Tip: Keep it to one page if you can. Something that can be posted next to your computer and checked at a glance will be used more than a 5-page document.

3. Templates

Lay out the content into a reusable planning template or product template. This could be an action planning template for each part of a marketing campaign, an article template, a spreadsheet for planning emails, or any other document that you might use over and over again.


Say you have a PLR article that talks about planning out your blog posts ahead of time. You can create an editorial calendar template that gives spaces for your reader to fill in all the information you’ve told them they need, and which can be reused each month. Here’s an example from one of my own PLR packs on blogging:

Pro Tip: You can find PLR, such as reports and squeeze pages, that are already set up as a finished product. Use those as templates for your own content.

Visuals are the most frequently and widely shared content on the internet. It's the most likely to go viral and it stands out among all the noisy text and posts that batter people's eyes.

4. Mindmaps

Put an outline of the key sections and points of the article into a mindmap format. You can use a free software, like Freemind on a PC. My favorite tool for mindmapping is iThoughtsHD, an app for iPads. It has the benefit of being able to move things around with your finger, and you can export it to other programs and formats.


I already provide articles in outline format as a resource in my PLR packs, but you can easily look through any article for the key points and topics. The center node is the title of the article, each branch is a section or paragraph topic, and the sub-branches are your key points. Take a look at the mindmap I created from this article that you’re reading now:

Pro Tip 1: You can also use a mindmap to create a video by doing a screencast and talking through each branch as you expand and hide them.

5. Word Art

Take keywords from your article and plug them into a word art generator like Tagxedo or Wordle. With most of these tools, you can just type up a list of words, using Notepad or another text editor. Skim through your article and pick and choose as many words as possible that are related to the topic. The more words you have, the smaller they will appear in your image, but the better defined the shape will be.


Check out the one I did based on one of Lynn's articles on How to Start an Internet Business

Pro Tip: You can also put a url into a lot of these word art tools. It will generate the Word Cloud for you and you just pick your colors and shape.

6.. Quotes on Images

Take one great tip from the article and put it on an image or colored/textured background. Do that with a whole bunch of tips and you have viral content to share that's far more interesting than a snippet of text.


Here’s one I created by paraphrasing a sentence from some PLR for entrepreneurs. I used the free tool Quozio, picked an image and typed in my sentence as a quote. I then saved the image to my computer so that I could edit it a little further using Snagit.

Pro Tip: You can create these sorts of images just as quickly by using free royalty-free images and a free image editing tool like Gimp.

7. Infographics

Everyone loves a good infographic and you can simply take the key points from the article, grab some cute graphics, and use that content to create a graphic to post on your blog and share everywhere. You can use one of the free infographic creators, like Visua.ly or Piktochart, if you like to play around with that sort of thing. Or save yourself some time and pay someone on Fiverr.com to create one. You give them the text and a few directions, and they create it


I used one of my own PLR articles for this infographic, which was created by someone I found on Fiverr.

Pro Tip: Less is more when it comes to infographics. Summarize your text into no more than one sentence or a couple bullet points per section. And if you can find a couple statistics to add, all the better.

PLR can form the basis of almost any piece of content you want to create. Someone else has done the basic research and writing for you. And it’s up to you to mold and repurpose it multiple ways, spreading your message far and wide, reaching as many people as possible.

Now it’s your turn to try out some of these ideas. And to help you get started I’ve put together a big pack of free PLR that you can grab here:

FREE Internet Marketing PLR Mega Pack

What are some creative ways have you used PLR? Please share!

About the Author:

Sharyn Sheldon is an instructional designer who spent nearly 20 years consulting to Fortune 500 companies before moving online full-time. Now she provides professionally written PLR for savvy marketers and coaches who know the value of quality content. As always, Sharyn’s products focus on learning and results, so her customers can be the expert without spending all their time creating content.

Find more of Sharyn’s PLR and tips for using it at Business Content PLR. And, as a special offer just for Clicknewz readers, you can get 25% Off your first purchase with Coupon Code LYNNROCKS.

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Give Visitors Deals and Price Comparisons

People love to save money on products and find great deals online!

As an affiliate marketer, you should leverage this mindset. It's one way you can stand out in your niche, and really serve your market.

There are many CPA Networks, such as Escalate Media (one that I like working with), where you can promote current special offers and coupons/deals. Many of those offers are for bigger well-known brands, and they run for a very short time.

CPA offers are great but they make for higher-maintenance marketing, as you have to remove/replace the links when offers end. Still, they tend to convert very well.

Price comparisons & current deals can be hard to stay on top of too, especially if you're finding and posting them manually. But what if you could automate the whole process and always have current prices and sales available for your readers? :D

Datafeedr makes it super easy to build an online store as an affiliate, and automatically update your site or blog with price comparisons from various merchants you are an affiliate for:

DataFeedr Affiliate Store w/Price Comparisons

There's also an option to drip content with current deals and offers from your affiliate merchants as well, and/or to create a category that is automatically updated with coupons and specials to help your visitors find the best deal:

DataFeedr Coupon Option

Nice, right? :D Obviously features like this will increase your conversions as you are giving buy-ready visitors the absolute best deal online.

Speaking of buy-ready visitors, people ARE shopping online with credit card in hand, and they ARE buying physical products. Especially when they can find great deals!

Just to give you some inspiration and a few real-life examples, here are current "shopping" keyword phrases being searched right now, according to WordTracker (my favorite FREE keyword research tool):

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See what I did there? I used the word "buy" as a keyword modifier to find buyers specifically. People in a buying mindset.

Obviously you can take one word, such as "microwave", and go to WordTracker to find out what people are searching for specifically for any given product. This will give you tons more longtail keyword phrases with even more search volume!

WordTracker Keyword Research

And of course people ARE searching for good deals, best prices and price comparisons on the products they want to buy online:

best price 460
best price fridge freezers 436
best price on dewalt 36 volt jig saw without battery or charger 391
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fridge freezer price comparison 366
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People WANT to buy products online!

Your job as an affiliate is to help them make an informed buying decision, and help them find the best product - and the best deal on that product. ;-)

DataFeedr is a great option for creating a product-based affiliate site targeting buyers, with price comparison charts from top merchants, and current coupons and deals. Check out all the features here. I love their new automation features, as I mentioned in my post on using them as an ideal affiliate store builder.

Escalate Network WidgetI mentioned Escalate Network earlier, for CPA offers. They DO offer a widget you can put in your sidebar, which would go great with your DataFeedr affiliate site. You can see an example to the right.

The deals & offers are automatically updated, based on your categories, and you have full control over which ads display there too. Which is another great way to offer deals to your visitors without having to constantly update or replace those offers!

I hope this gives you some ideas to work with, and inspires you to meet the needs of your market by creating sites (or adding a store to your site) that sell products people really want to buy! ;-)


p.s. I would love to hear your thoughts! Do you currently promote physical products as an affiliate? Why or why not?

* This post contains referral and/or affiliate links for WordTracker, Escalate Network and DataFeedr, which means I will be compensated if you sign up for those services. Of course, I'm only recommending them to you because I use them myself!

34 Video Mistakes To Avoid – Must See!

Warning: expect to be shocked, entertained, possibly offended, but definitely educated...

Video GenesisAndy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime have teamed up to launch Video Genesis. It's currently in pre-launch, and if you've been around any amount of time at all then you know exactly what that means:

Awesome free content! :D

But there's more than one reason to check it out. Actually, there's several reasons you should...

There's the entertainment value no doubt, the "things to spot" game, and of course - watching a successful launch unfold, which makes the educational value twofold.

They just released the free video tutorials & blueprint today (Tuesday June 18th). All you have to do is click here for instant access.

- And yes, that is my referral link, just so we're clear on that upfront. Nothing like being Captain Obvious, but the FTC prefers it that way. ;-)

While I'm being totally transparent here, I should also say that I haven't finished watching the video tutorials or checking everything out - yet. I got sidetracked, so I left it open to finish later this evening, but I wanted to go ahead and tell you about it real quick... because this content won't be available once they officially launch the Video Genesis product.

I didn't get very far past this bit, by the way:

Video Genesis

And yes, I rolled my eyes. Just like this: :roll:

That said, I know Andy Jenkins personally. And Mike Filsaime, as well - I've known them both for many years, and have shared meals and conversations with them at various events. Regardless of their "Internet Marketer" status/reputation, they are both good men and good people to know. If you've ever met them in person then you know what I'm talking about.

But of course, Andy is known for his "shock value" and his entertaining personality, especially during big launches. ;-)

Video Genesis is all about creating awesome marketing videos - of any kind. If you're planning to use Video Marketing in your online business, you absolutely must check out this free content by top marketers.

While you watch the video here are some things to try to spot:

  • Movie References
  • Bad Video
  • Cameo Appearances
  • How to Fix it
  • (Secret Scenes)
  • The Good Video

Hint: there are "5 Easter Egg” references to Hollywood Movies. Two of them are easy to find. The other three will be hard find, but see if you can spot them all...

The "before and after" case study itself is a must-see!

Click Here to Watch It Now

I look forward to hearing your thoughts! :D


p.s. Andy and Mike claim that MOST online business owners are making at least TEN of these 34 mistakes. Do you agree?

Hint: most online business owners = You and Me

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